Algebra 1 Taks Practice Workbook Grades 9-12: Mcdougal Littell High School Math Texas
(MCDOUGAL LITTEL, Aug. 22, 2006)
ABOUT THE BOOK:This book is designed to prepare you for the TAKS test in mathematics. It provides review and practice of all the TAKS objectives at your grade level and is organized according to the TEKS items within each objective. Practice tests are included that use the multiple choice and griddable answer format you can expect to see on the TAKS test. STUDENT NOTES: At the beginning of this book, you will find material about academic vocabulary, helpful formulas, and tips on using a graphing calculator during the TAKS test. TEKS TRACKER: For each TAKS objective, there is a TEKS Tracker page that lists the TAKS objective and its TEKS content. The paeg has boxes you can check off to track your work as you complete the related review, practice, and mixed review pages. TEKS REVIEW: For each TEKS item, there is a page of review that offers a brief mathematical summary, a worked out example, and You Do It questions with spaces for you to show your work. TEKS PRACTICE: For each TEKS item,