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Books published by publisher Themeworks Production

  • My Signature Yoga Pose: A Beginners Guide To Choosing The Right Yoga For You

    Emma Beck

    language (Themeworks Production, Oct. 21, 2018)
    The word yoga is often interpreted as "union" or a method of discipline from the Sanskrit word "yuj" (to yoke or bind). A male practitioner is called a yogi, a female practitioner, a yogini. Yoga is generally understood as a process of unification. This unification is multifaceted. In one dimension, it is a unification of the various systems that exist within the human being including the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual systems. We will be giving you a rundown of several mainstream practices of yoga which are derived from the tradition of yogic spirituality. These traditions of yoga are as young as 500 years and as old as several thousand. While there are many modern practices of yoga which have been defined by various teachers, the systems we will be discussing are traditional systems which have been in existence throughout many generations. Find out what your signature yoga pose is with a clearer idea of the various different kinds there are in this world. Fall in love with the yoga and with yourself simultaneously as you come to discover parts of yourself within a deeper practice.Book Content Includes:Chapter 1 – Exploring the Different Types of YogaChapter 2 – Which Type of Yoga is Right For Me?Chapter 3 – Yoga Is Not Just FitnessChapter 4 – Benefits of Practicing YogaChapter 5 – Improve Your Stamina On the Mat and Between the SheetsChapter 6 – Yoga for BeginnersChapter 7 – Best Tips to Staying Safe and Preventing an Injury in Your Yoga ClassChapter 8 – Yoga Essentials: A Checklist
  • Anger Management - Beat It Or Suck It Up: Take Control of Your Rage, Stress, Anxiety, & Intense Emotions

    Jonas Kurtz

    language (Themeworks Production, Nov. 6, 2018)
    You may be wondering at some crucial point in your life where your stress is stacking up and you find yourself flaring up one too many times and snapped at your loved ones and they start to fear you. You saw “the look” in their eyes even though they did not say it to your face upfront. You could sense a moment of shock when you reached your breaking point. There would be one of these moments where you would actually start to question yourself.. “Where is this built-up rage within me coming from?” I’m sure you have heard of the term “anger-management” and sometimes wondered if you need some.Over here in this book, you can have a better understanding of what type of "anger" borders on a dangerous line and really dive into this issue on a deeper level so that you can take back control of not just your irrational overwhelming emotions, but also take back your life. You and your loved ones can be in this together and they won't have to "fear you" and start to distance themselves from you whenever you feel the rage taking over and you become a completely different person. Or perhaps you are dealing with a loved one that you suspect needs to admit and acknowledge that they have a problem. Book Content Includes:Chapter 1 – What Is The Definition of Anger? Chapter 2 – Do I Have Anger Management Issues?Chapter 3 – Techniques To Handle My Emotions EffectivelyChapter 4 – Understanding The Anger Control SystemsChapter 5 – Learn How Different People Express AngerChapter 6 – Is It Just An Adolescence Phase With The Teenage Rage & Angst? Chapter 7 – What Is An Anger Mangement Class? Chapter 8 – How Do I Find A Good Anger Management Program For Myself? Chapter 9 – How To Take The Right Actions To Resolve Life’s Hurdles
  • Inspirational Quotes: Love Thrives When Unrestrained: A Path to Healing & Paving a Way to Emotional Freedom 111 Original Quotes

    Dash Trembley

    language (Themeworks Production, Aug. 27, 2016)
    AUTHENTIC QUOTES WHERE THE HEART MEETS THE MINDHeal your body, mind, and soul.An original collection of 111 authentic quotes of carefully selected words where the heart meets the mind. Entailing a journey of mindfully cultivated life lessons of gratitude, self-love, and sculpting a strong mind of your own to help you through significant decision-making in life. Make a decision to heal your body, mind, and soul today and carry with you the useful insights and wisdom that will inspire and motivate you to use it as a daily affirmation routine. It covers an overall well-being theme which is uplifting in nature that is going to serve you and help create an inner environment that is well-rounded, engineering all aspects of your life.You can start from the first page, the last, or anywhere in the middle. The most important thing is, you got to start somewhere to make a change. Everything in this book has been simplified and summarized in its purest essence to allow you to fully utilize and read over, and over again.Visit for more gifts of inspiration.
  • A Beginners Guide To Choosing The Right Yoga For You: My Signature Yoga Pose

    Emma Beck

    language (Themeworks Production, Nov. 9, 2018)
    The word yoga is often interpreted as "union" or a method of discipline from the Sanskrit word "yuj" (to yoke or bind). A male practitioner is called a yogi, a female practitioner, a yogini. Yoga is generally understood as a process of unification. This unification is multifaceted. In one dimension, it is a unification of the various systems that exist within the human being including the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual systems. We will be giving you a rundown of several mainstream practices of yoga which are derived from the tradition of yogic spirituality. These traditions of yoga are as young as 500 years and as old as several thousand. While there are many modern practices of yoga which have been defined by various teachers, the systems we will be discussing are traditional systems which have been in existence throughout many generations. Find out what your signature yoga pose is with a clearer idea of the various different kinds there are in this world. Fall in love with the yoga and with yourself simultaneously as you come to discover parts of yourself within a deeper practice.Book Content Includes:Chapter 1 – Exploring the Different Types of YogaChapter 2 – Which Type of Yoga is Right For Me?Chapter 3 – Yoga Is Not Just FitnessChapter 4 – Benefits of Practicing YogaChapter 5 – Improve Your Stamina On the Mat and Between the SheetsChapter 6 – Yoga for BeginnersChapter 7 – Best Tips to Staying Safe and Preventing an Injury in Your Yoga ClassChapter 8 – Yoga Essentials: A Checklist
  • How To Dance Like A Rockstar: Learn The Basics To Choose Your Style

    Ruth McGarrity

    eBook (Themeworks Production, Oct. 30, 2018)
    Dance has been a part of human culture since time immemorial. It is true to say that man has danced or moved to the rhythms of nature before formal language existed. It promotes social binding and stimulates our senses. It can be magical and transforming, breathing new life into a tired soul or unleashing hidden creativity. On a more physical level, dancing gives a great mind-body workout. It quickens our breath and increases our heart rate. It improves circulation and prevents oxygen starvation to the brain, thus helping to slow mental decline while enhancing brain power. As you learn to glide elegantly across the dance floor, you are improving your poise and grace while improving flexibility, coordination, balancing and muscle strength. Over here in this summary book, we lay out some popular options (for beginners) from the variety of available in the market for you to consider and learn more about before you sign up for any classes or seek out your potential dance partners to start this new hobby that would not only keep you healthy but in the most fun and engaging manner you can possibly get out of an "exercise" or "workout"!Book Content Includes:Chapter 1 – What Shall We Dance?Chapter 2 – Benefits of Social DancingChapter 3 – How Dancing Increases Your ConfidenceChapter 4 – Discover the Health Benefits of DancingChapter 5 – 5 Different Ways to Make You DanceChapter 6 – What Is Considered Proper Dance Etiquette, You Ask?Chapter 7 – More Secrets To Help You Learn How To Dance Better
  • Alzheimer’s Reversal: “ Remember My Name ”: Recognizing The Early Symptoms of Cognitive Decline For Reversal & Prevention

    J.J Sanders

    language (Themeworks Production, May 18, 2018)
    Learn how you can save one more memory. One of the most common mistakes that people make concerning issues such as disorientation, memory losses, unable to follow specific instructions and other similar cognitive declining signs is that they are so quick to assume that the source of the problem must be Alzheimer's disease. But many times the problem might be something different than Alzheimer's. Careful and patient investigation, along with the proper advice from the experts would be the best way to avoid coming to the wrong conclusion. It is not only imperative but absolutely essential that they (or yourself) be consulted with a proper diagnosis so your loved ones or you can be sure to receive the best available treatment. As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure and sometimes we don’t know it until it hits us at a much later stage. This is a summary guidebook that you can learn and understand the very fundamental basics of this disease and it will help you in many ways. Book Content Includes:Chapter 1 – The Difference Between A Bad Memory & Alzheimer’sChapter 2 – Taking A Closer Look & Understanding With This Cognitive Disease Chapter 3 – The Brain: Use It Or Lose ItChapter 4 – A Lower Blood Pressure Decreases Your Chance of The DiseaseChapter 5 – Reducing Your Risks Of Alzheimer’sChapter 6 – Boosting Your Brain Functions Chapter 7 – An Alzheimer’s Caregiver BlueprintChapter 8 – Alzheimer’s Homecare ExplainedChapter 9 – It’s All In Your Mind *Bonus recommended courses list at the end of the book.( Download Free Kindle With Every Paperback Purchase To Access Links Directly )Get more free bonuses at the end of the book.Hint: Especially if you're a non-fiction books lover.
  • Back Pain Reliefs: Stop Your Daily Cycles of Pain

    William Sullivan

    language (Themeworks Production, July 11, 2018)
    Start to change your life today choosing to be pain-free with a little mindfulness.“What if I could give you your life back, pluck out the pain, and give you a world of unimaginable beauty that would be for all time.” ― Anne Rice Backpain can be acute, recurrent or chronic. Most of the people suffering from back pain fall in the first category wherein the pain vanishes in about six weeks and home remedies prove to be very effective. In the case of the recurrent category, the pain reappears after some time while chronic pain lasts for a longer period of time.Overuse or underuse of the back is also one of the causes of back pain. Inflammation and swelling often occur in the joints and ligaments, especially in the cervical and lumbar regions, as people grow old. A herniated disc or spinal stenosis which refers to the narrowing of the spine also results in back pain.It will certainly be worth reading the rest of the book to find out some techniques that may benefit you if you're one of the many people suffering from any of possible causes and symptoms. You're not alone. Over here in this book, you'll find simple applicable tips that you can easily implement in your daily lives or take note of what not to do. Prevention is sometimes even better than needing a cure, and we'll walk you through the basic steps that'll cover all the fundamental knowledge you need to know and understand about backpains to be able to take care not just yourself, but your loved ones too. Book Content:Chapter 1 – Why is Backpain Such a Common Phenomenon?Chapter 2 – A Lowdown On Upper BackpainChapter 3 – Exercises To Ease Your Upper BackpainChapter 4 – Lower Back Pain Symptoms: A General Reflection of Your HealthChapter 5 – The 3 Biggest Causes of Lower Back PainsChapter 6 – How To Cure Lower Back Pains In WomenChapter 7 – Why Backpain Is Not As Simple As It SeemsChapter 8 – How Stress Can Cause Backpain Without Any Physical InjuryChapter 9 – Avoid Backpain By Adopting These HabitsChapter 10 – Natural Ways To Relieve BackpainsChapter 11 – Cure Pain With Complementary TherapyNew Release Offer
  • Mama's Blues: A Wildflower’s Resilience To A Path Of Self-Empowerment & Freedom


    eBook (Themeworks Production, July 4, 2018)
    You can emerge as a survivor with a wildflower’s resilience to embark on your own path to freedom as well.Boldly creating new revolutionary perspectives for our near future, against all odds of growing up within the internal conflicts, dysfunctions, and drama of family ties and relationships. Also skating through the whirlwind of emotional rollercoaster rides to overcome all the obstacles, madness, and chaos of the heart and mind.This uniquely designed and carefully structured book touches on various themes that'd spread out in different stages and chapters revolving around managing feelings and emotions with transitioning adolescence to adulthood, finding self-love, and discovery of the real meaning of life. And above all, unlocking the infinite powers and potential of self-empowerment.“Mama’s Blues” will leave no stones unturned."I loved reading this. I cried to parts, I laughed, all emotions were felt. If you are on the journey to self-love, soul searching, enlightenment, this is something to reference” — Katie KempMore Available: Platinium Classic Edition / Special Edition Floral Spine Edition This version does NOT Include 111 Inspirational Life Lessons Quotes
  • The Art of Antiquing:: All You Need To Know To Collect

    Nate Morison

    eBook (Themeworks Production, July 8, 2018)
    Learn How To Collect Antiques Like A Pro“I love when things are scraped, beaten, and chipped. Those qualities take me back in time and I never tire at looking at them. ” ― Michelle PateIn today's world, everything that's old can be described as antiques and generally speaking, that's quite true. A product is considered to be an antique if it is over a hundred years old, or is rare enough to have some value. In other words, these are old items that are in limited supply. An antique is something collectible. It may be a piece of antique furniture that you want to collect to enhance the look of a room, or a piece of antique pottery to decorate a corner cupboard, or some antique books, antique camera and photographs, antique jewelry, antique money, antique car, antique clocks, or antique watches that you want to hand down to your grandchildren but the items must be rare enough to be considered an antique. The others are just secondhand goods junk. Learn the hidden secrets of the art of collecting antiques the right and best ways.Book Content:Chapter 1 – The Modern Day Treasure HuntChapter 2 – What Makes Something an Antique?Chapter 3 – Guide To Purchasing AntiquesChapter 4 – Antiques Are Valuable Pieces of Art and HistoryChapter 5 – Finding Antiquities For Sale QuicklyChapter 6 – Is an Antique Vanity Right for Your Home?Chapter 7 – Why Should You Buy Antique Furniture?Chapter 8 – Helpful Guide in Buying Antique FurnitureChapter 9 – The Secret Every Buyer Of Antiques Should KnowNew Release Offer
  • Alzheimer’s Reversal “ Remember My Name ”: Recognizing The Early Symptoms of Cognitive Decline For Reversal & Prevention

    J.J Sanders

    language (Themeworks Production, Nov. 27, 2018)
    Learn how you can save one more memory.One of the most common mistakes that people make concerning issues such as disorientation, memory losses, unable to follow specific instructions and other similar cognitive declining signs is that they are so quick to assume that the source of the problem must be Alzheimer's disease. But many times the problem might be something different than Alzheimer's.Careful and patient investigation, along with the proper advice from the experts would be the best way to avoid coming to the wrong conclusion. It is not only imperative but absolutely essential that they (or yourself) be consulted with a proper diagnosis so your loved ones or you can be sure to receive the best available treatment. As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure and sometimes we don’t know it until it hits us at a much later stage. This is a summary guidebook that you can learn and understand the very fundamental basics of this disease and it will help you in many ways. Book Content Includes:Chapter 1 – The Difference Between A Bad Memory & Alzheimer’sChapter 2 – Taking A Closer Look & Understanding With This Cognitive Disease Chapter 3 – The Brain: Use It Or Lose ItChapter 4 – A Lower Blood Pressure Decreases Your Chance of The DiseaseChapter 5 – Reducing Your Risks Of Alzheimer’sChapter 6 – Boosting Your Brain Functions Chapter 7 – An Alzheimer’s Caregiver BlueprintChapter 8 – Alzheimer’s Homecare ExplainedChapter 9 – It’s All In Your Mind
  • Find Every Excuse To Be Happy: 111 Inspirational Reasons You Can Be

    Dash Trembley

    language (Themeworks Production, Oct. 3, 2018)
    Have you ever caught yourself red-handed finding another excuse to complain about the nitty-gritty of life? You must be thinking.. "if only I could be an expert at making excuses to be happy instead." Well, you absolutely can. It's high time you flip the script and prime your mind with deliberate intent to milk every possible reason for joy to put a smile on your face today, tomorrow, and every other day for the rest of your life. This book contains an original collection of 111 inspirational quotes of carefully selected words where the heart meets the mind. Entailing a journey of mindfully cultivated life lessons of gratitude, self-love, and sculpting a strong mind of your own to help you through significant decision-making in life. Make a decision to heal your body, mind, and soul today and carry with you the useful insights and wisdom that will inspire and motivate you to use it as a daily affirmation routine. It covers an overall well-being theme which is uplifting in nature that is going to serve you and help create an inner environment that is well-rounded, engineering all aspects of your life. You can start from the first page, the last, or anywhere in the middle. The most important thing is, you got to start somewhere to make a change. Everything in this book has been simplified and summarized in its purest essence to allow you to fully utilize and read over, and over again. Make a decision to be happy. You can choose to be.Special BLACK Edition 2018 * Love Thrives When Unrestrained
  • Alzheimer’s Reversal “ Remember My Name ": Recognizing The Early Symptoms of Cognitive Decline For Reversal & Prevention

    J.J Sanders

    language (Themeworks Production, Nov. 6, 2018)
    Learn how you can save one more memory. One of the most common mistakes that people make concerning issues such as disorientation, memory losses, unable to follow specific instructions and other similar cognitive declining signs is that they are so quick to assume that the source of the problem must be Alzheimer's disease. But many times the problem might be something different than Alzheimer's.Careful and patient investigation, along with the proper advice from the experts would be the best way to avoid coming to the wrong conclusion. It is not only imperative but absolutely essential that they (or yourself) be consulted with a proper diagnosis so your loved ones or you can be sure to receive the best available treatment. As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure and sometimes we don’t know it until it hits us at a much later stage. This is a summary guidebook that you can learn and understand the very fundamental basics of this disease and it will help you in many ways. Book Content Includes:Chapter 1 – The Difference Between A Bad Memory & Alzheimer’sChapter 2 – Taking A Closer Look & Understanding With This Cognitive Disease Chapter 3 – The Brain: Use It Or Lose ItChapter 4 – A Lower Blood Pressure Decreases Your Chance of The DiseaseChapter 5 – Reducing Your Risks Of Alzheimer’sChapter 6 – Boosting Your Brain Functions Chapter 7 – An Alzheimer’s Caregiver BlueprintChapter 8 – Alzheimer’s Homecare ExplainedChapter 9 – It’s All In Your Mind