Frida Kahlo: The Painter and Her Work
Helga Prignitz-Poda
(Schirmer/Mosel, March 15, 2010)
"I was considered a Surrealist. That is not right.I never painted dreams. What I depicted, was myreality." Our book zooms right into this reality, andit does so in a new and unusual way: presenting FridaKahlo s paintings in a general view and in selecteddetails, it reveals the wealth of stories and creatureshidden in her self-portraits; it makes tangible thelife-long physical and spiritual pain endured by theartist; and it illustrates painterly skills and techniquesreminiscent of old European masters. Makingvisible what tends to escape one s notice in herseemingly familiar paintings, this lavish volume takeseven inveterate Kahlo fans on a mesmerizing discoverytrip to the sensuousness, the beauty, and theabysses of her world.This monograph presents Frida Kahlo s life and workin pictures. Frida Kahlo expert Helga Prignitz-Podaprovides elaborate background information on eachof the paintings.