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Books published by publisher PartridgeSingapore

  • Eliot of Beckley Zoo

    Haqam A. L.

    (PartridgeSingapore, Oct. 29, 2015)
    Beckley Zoo is a quiet zoo. It has a lot of animals, but it doesn't have many visitors. Mr. Spencer, the zoo owner, is worried. He needs to sell more tickets. Hoping to attract more visitors, Mr. Spencer teaches the elephants new tricks for the elephant show, except for one elephant - Eliot. Eliot is a little different from the others. Through words and pictures, discover what happens when Eliot, an elephant with a difference, makes a difference to others, and the zoo.
  • Busy Bee: A Memoir

    Bee Loh Dato Sri

    Paperback (Partridge Singapore, Oct. 10, 2018)
    This book is about the real story of a young Malaysian who got his education from Singapore and Australia. This tell-all book talks about what really happens when you send your kid for their overseas studies and the struggle of a Gen X person when he enters the Asian business context when he came back to Malaysia to help expand the family business. It also talks about the need for a Gen X person to work smart-so what if you have a degree/masters?-to get their hands dirty, to do the correct investment, and to give back to the society.
  • The Fairy Woods Children: A story of magic and adventure, from where the two worlds meet

    Adriana Yamane

    Paperback (PartridgeSingapore, April 24, 2015)
    Much of the education of children is based on the antithesis between "good" and "bad." The images of "bad" are supposed to be the dark background against which the good can shine, like courage shining through in times of danger. The problem with this approach is that "the good" has only the chance to shine but not to grow. The Fairy Woods Children thus tries to bring a new approach that allows goodness to grow and to expand in children's consciousness, without the need of a fear-based background scenario. While this may sound boring to grown-up people who are used mainly to the strife of their daily life with all its troubles and fears, small children do not need to have this handicap. From an early age, they need to be allowed to grow beyond this stage at which humankind is now, and they need to learn more about the infinite possibilities that may lie before them in the future. A lot of misunderstandings and conflicts arise from the lack of heart-to-heart communication, which is the central point in the seven stories of the book. Each story, meant to be read at bedtime, brings to the surface a deep inner longing of the soul to express itself. As a child, these were the stories I would have liked to hear, and these were the teachings I would have liked to receive, as they can greatly eliminate the need of the good versus bad antithesis. And this is the reason why I would like to offer them to children and people like me, who may appreciate art and beauty, and who may wish to create for their families a lifestyle which is more soulful and kind.
  • I Have Two Homes

    Ben Pedersen

    Paperback (PartridgeSingapore, April 20, 2015)
    This story is based on the personal experiences of the author and written as a way in which children of separated families can better relate to their circumstances and try and find positives in what can be an emotionally disturbing situation during early childhood. It is also produced as a means for parents to be able to relate circumstances in an objective manner to their children without having to go into specifics that are normally beyond the comprehension of young children. I am hopeful that this will help a lot of families going through a period of separation but, most importantly, provide a means to have a bedtime story to help a child sleep peacefully, knowing they are cherished and loved always.
  • Matthew and the Horrid Haze

    Angeline Khoo, How San Khoo

    Paperback (PartridgeSingapore, Oct. 23, 2015)
    Matthew, like other young children, loves to play outdoors. But when the region's annual haze-pollutive smog at its worst-comes around, Matthew is forced to stay indoors. Ever curious, he asks, “Why can't I see the sky?” In this delightful children's story, Wind blames the burning Trees in the forests. Trees, in turn, blame the tinderbox-like Peat soil, which in turn points the finger at Man, who says he needs fertile soil to grow his crops. Finally, Matthew asks, “How can we get back clearer days?” The included suggested questions enable adults to use the storyline to help children find out more and to appreciate the urgency of sustaining this precious Earth. One reviewer says (Ms Felicia Choon, a primary school teacher), “I wished that the children who read this book can be empowered with the knowledge that they make a difference in their own small ways. If I were to read this book in class, it would definitely pathed its way into a lengthy discussion on what we can do here to help with the situation there.” This is the third book in the Matthew series. The other two, also published by Partridge, are “Matthew and the Thirsty Sun” and “Matthew's Stacking Cups.”
  • My Name Is Maggie Moo

    Huda Adnan

    Paperback (PartridgeSingapore, Feb. 19, 2016)
    Maggie Moo is a unique and special cat. She was born in America, but the family who adopted her brought her to Canada, where she lives with her mommy, daddy, and sister. She is the baby of the family. Maggie Moo loves living in Canada. She enjoys all four seasons-the warm summer sun, the beautiful leaves of autumn, the snows of winter, and the flowers of spring. Her family takes her on walks, which give her a good reason to take a nap. And she likes all of her family's things, too-Mommy's food, Daddy's iPad, and her sister's homework! Maggie Moo is a happy cat who loves her family, even if they aren't cats like she is.
  • Back to the Future of Marketing: PRovolve or Perish

    Georgios Kotsolios

    Paperback (PartridgeSingapore, Feb. 12, 2014)
    Based on the author's past and present professional experiences, this book takes readers on a journey to the future of retail marketing after thoroughly examining and dissecting a number of theoretical, yet highly relevant and plausible scenarios as to the evolution of marketing and its various disciplines. Using the advent of technology as the catalyst for the cataclysmic changes professed in his book, together with a series of real-life examples most marketeers and PR professionals would find easy to associate and empathise with, his writing resonates with anyone having the faintest of interests in shopping as a consumer, albeit focusing heavily on the retail and marketing sectors from a professional career standpoint. Readers who service the PR industry will find it irresistible, marketeers will certainly be thought-provoked and challenged while retailers may find it riveting, familiar, insightful and informative. With strong and creative analogies from the world of football, readers with an interest in the sport will attain higher levels of message comprehension and literally satisfaction. Straddling between fact and fiction as it seamlessly and effortlessly oscillates between business and football narratives, his writing brings to life an exciting new genre of book that deserves your attention.
  • KendiaÂ’s AbcÂ’s and Things I Can Be

    Samuel C. Williams

    (Partridge Singapore, Jan. 21, 2020)
    Kendia's ABC's and Things I Can Be Is a wonderful way for teachers and parents to not only teach their little ones the ABC's but to also introduce into their imaginations and vocabularies several possible jobs or careers that they may never have heard of before. It allows parents to read for fun as well as for facts. It is designed to elicit questions and to guarantee comments. After reading this simple ABC book, no doubt, parents and children will sit long thereafter ruminating in the conversations and enlightenment brought forth by such a simple book.
  • A Little Girl in a Big Hat

    Erlinda Jean

    Paperback (PartridgeSingapore, Oct. 1, 2013)
    A Little Girl in a Big Hat' is the real story of a young girl born into poverty and her struggle through life into womanhood. The author uses the hat as a metaphor for the different stages and experiences she went through in life, and as it applies to people's lives in general. From childhood through adolescence and into adulthood we all find ourselves wearing different hats. This is a fascinating story of the different hats worn by a young girl who had a very demanding, and at times, difficult life. She shares her experiences up to the present day and encourages the reader to reflect on the question, Have you found your perfect hat, or are you still searching for it?
  • Betsy Gets Her Wings and Other Stories

    S. Raiyyan

    (PartridgeSingapore, Oct. 16, 2015)
    The focus of my writing is to encourage children to dream, to love, and to learn that there is good in doing what's right. Nature has a way of rewarding us when we do what is right, and there is no age at which it is wrong to dream. To live without dreams is to live without hope. Such a life can only be thought of as an existence. To truly live, one must dream, and this is my wish for all: to dream while we live. Above all, to live our dreams.
  • Billy and the Bogloids: The Magic of Caymar

    Leigh Parker

    Hardcover (Partridge Singapore, April 19, 2017)
    Billy Sanders is an eight-year-old boy who lives in fear of the bullies that torment his uncertain childhood. When a Bogloid is entrusted with the task of helping Billy learn how to confront and manage his troubles, he soon senses things will never be the same again, and he’s right! The magical land of Caymar and all its beings are under threat from the evil Sentos. Billy and the Bogloids must unite in their quest to save all that is ebbing away from them as the ruthless, cunning creatures begin to take control. Each loving character portrays individually unique personalities and traits. These attributes would usually strengthen a team’s efforts, but are their powers still strong enough to overcome the bad and return everything to goodness, or have the Sentos already taken command?
  • Health in Saudi Arabia Volume Two

    Zohair A. Sebai

    Paperback (PartridgeSingapore, Dec. 3, 2014)
    Health in Saudi Arabia Vol. One, published in 1985, presented and introduction to health problems, health manpower and medical education in Saudi Arabia. This book Vol. two discusses the epidemiology of certain health problems and the development of health services and health manpower. The material is based upon a two year project supported by King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology under Grant No. At-5-26. The book has been published in the year 2008. Still it would be of interest for those who would like to study health and health services development in the country.