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Books published by publisher Nielsen ISBN Store

  • Oracus: The Lavorian Rider

    Paul Gaskill

    Paperback (Nielson ISBN Store, Dec. 20, 2019)
    When Oracus’s father is killed by the mighty King, revenge is immediately sought. But there is a dark secret waiting to be discovered. And when it is, revenge will become far more complicated. To succeed, Oracus will need more than just a Lavorian and his superpowers. He’ll need a miracle.
  • Oracus: The Lavorian Rider

    Paul Gaskill

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN Store, Dec. 20, 2019)
    When Oracus’s father is killed by the mighty King, revenge is immediately sought. But there is a dark secret waiting to be discovered. And when it is, revenge will become far more complicated. To succeed, Oracus will need more than just a Lavorian and his superpowers. He will need a miracle.
  • Dinosaur Race: My Magic Pet Morphle - Educational Book for Kids - Picture Books for Children

    Moonbug Entertainment

    (Nielsen ISBN Store, June 19, 2020)
    Morphle and Mila take part in a dinosaur race. They're all having great fun, until the race is interrupted by the Bandits and it's up to Morphle to save the day!You'll love this educational and entertaining kids ebook perfect for bedtime stories and reading along with your children. Follow the adventures of Mila and Morphle. Learn colors, the alphabet, shapes and more! Created by Moonbug Entertainment#besteducationalbooksforkids#picturebooksforchildrenNote from the publisher: This is a Children's book for preschool, kindergarten and toddlers ages. Read along with this educational book for kids available on kindle unlimitedBook Text:It’s the National Day of Dinosaurs! The City is holding a special event!With help from Professor Rashid, there is going to be a very unusual race!A dinosaur race! All the dinos and their riders are ready to get going!Mila and Morphle want to win! Mila has a great idea! "Morphle, morph into a T-Rex!"Mila and Morphle line up with the rest of the racers, ready for fun!"Whoever wins the race will get this beautiful trophy!"Ready...Steady...Go! The racers are off! Which dino will win?Morphle as a T-Rex easily keeps up with the triceratops! They’re racing up a ramp!The stegosaurus is lagging behind. It’s too scared to jump off the ramp!Meanwhile, it’s neck and neck at the front of the race! Morphle is just about in the lead!Whilst at the back of the line, the stegosaurus finally jumped the ramp!Oh no! The Bandits are hiding in the bush up ahead of the racers! "I want that trophy! Let’s steal dinosaurs!" "Ya!"Stein has jumped onto the triceratops! He’s throwing the rider off!Those mean Bandits have stolen two dinosaurs! They're cheating!The Bandits speed along! They’re almost caught up with Mila and Morphle! "We’re almost in the lead, I have an evil plan!" "Ya!"The Bandits knocked a tree over in front of Mila and Morphle! Morphle can’t get through!The Bandits are ahead in the race because they cheated. That’s not fair!Morphle and the brontosaurus catch up with the Bandits. Everyone is tangled up and no one can pass. Nobody knows who’s in the lead!Meanwhile, while everyone was caught up, the stegosaurus crossed the finish line! "We have a winner!"Officer Freeze arrests the Bandits for stealing the dinosaurs! "Looks like we're going to jail." "Ya."The winners are congratulated! The winners are congratulated! They may have been slow, but they kept going all the way to the finish line!Everyone is happy to have their dinosaurs back and to have taken part in the race.The Bandits know they did wrong. They get to watch everyone else have fun as they go to jail.Although Mila and Morphle didn’t win the race, they had fun taking part and foiling the the Bandits’ scheme!
  • Red The Robin

    Ted York, Corrina Holyoake

    Paperback (Nielsen UK ISBN Store, Nov. 11, 2019)
    Red the Robin lives in Raison Close near the sea and park. He patrols his territory and has lots of friends but has to keep a careful watch for Harold Hawk, Claws the Cat and Fred Fox. The birds, insects and animals can talk to each other and understand human language. The birds hold a weekly singing contest and there is regular beetle racing in one of the gardens. Enjoy the world of Red the Robin and friends.
  • A Tree in Time

    Pam C Golden

    (Nielson UK ISBN store, April 9, 2020)
    Jenni is an ordinary girl to whom extraordinary things happen. Through a magical twist she travels through Time. Finding herself in the Mesolithic forests of Ancient Britain; all her worries from the 21st century melt into insignificance. Through learning how to live in this beautiful, yet strange environment, Jenni discovers skills beyond her imagination. Life with the Mesolithic hunter gatherers is vibrant, rich and certainly nothing like her history lessons. Making her first true friends, Jenni discovers how good life can be. Not everyone is welcoming though; and soon Jenni is confronted by danger. Will she survive? Can she ever return to her future? And what is her peculiar connection with Druantia, the wise Elder? A compelling narrative which explores unusual ways to solve difficult relationships, learn about unconditional love and find respect for all life on our beautiful Earth.
  • Mechanics Part 2: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN store, March 28, 2016)
    This is the second book on mechanics in the Cambridge Paperbacks series on mechanics and as with the Part 1, this is best used together with your classroom text books on mechanics. Most of the topics you will cover in your classroom are discussed with special emphasis on how the the Casio fx-991ES PLUS calculator can be used to solve mechanics problems.
  • Further Calculus: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES PLUS Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN Store, May 9, 2016)
    If you are doing the A Level in Further Maths you will need to cover more calculus and much of the material in this book is drawn from the various A level Further Maths syllabuses. It is assumed that you have already worked through Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 of the Cambridge Paperbacks in the A Level Maths Series. You should therefore have a reasonable understanding of both differentiation and integration. In this book we shall be building upon your acquired knowledge to further your understanding of the subject. As in the other books in the series, considerable emphasis will be placed upon the use of the Casio fx-991ES PLUS calculator. By now you will have already gained a proficient skill set in the use of this calculator for performing difficult calculations. The material for this book is drawn from the various A Level Further Maths syllabuses and a chapter on partial differentiation has been included.
  • Linear Programming and Optimisation: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Dr Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN store, Aug. 2, 2019)
    Linear programming is part of a larger subject known as Operations Research which deals with methods of allocating resources in the most efficient way possible. In itself linear programming is a big subject and this book only covers a small part and serves as a brief introduction only.Linear programming problems relate to maximising or minimising resources, such as maximising the profit on a set of products or services. When first learning about linear programming you need to plot the constraints of your problem which derive from inequalities. From the plots you should then be able to maximise the objective function.In this book you are shown how you can use your fx-991ES calculator to perform linear programming calculations without having to resort to actually plotting functions yourself.
  • Mechanics Part 1: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN Store, Aug. 16, 2016)
    Mechanics forms substantial part of your A Level Mathematics course and your Casio fx-991ES Plus calculator will prove invaluable as you gain an understanding and working knowledge of the subject. In this, the first of two books on mechanics, you will find many of the subject areas you are likely to encounter in the classroom. When your maths teacher introduces you to mechanics, as each new topic is started, look up the relevant chapter in this this book (or Book 2). Use it alongside the material your teacher covers and the material in your maths course book. You will find that many of the problems you are asked to work through are covered in this book and you will be able to use the same Casio fx-991ES Plus keystrokes to help you solve the problems.