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Books published by publisher Moscow

  • Galkin Samuil Zalmanovich. Zdes moi rostki zhivye. Izbrannoe./Galkin Samuel Zalmanovich. Here my sprouts if alive. Favorites.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestTranslated from the Hebrew. an artist Registration T. Borisova. Moscow. fiction. 1974. 352 pp., PORTRAIT. hardcover, Normal format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Mishkevich I. Pobeda nad Yaponiej./Mishkevich And. victory over Japan.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1947)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestM. Military Publishing, 1947. 44. Almost antique paper edition (cover)We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Pulman Filip. Chuchelo i ego sluga: Skazochnaya povest./Pullman Philip. Scarecrow and his servant: Fairy tale.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestM Rosman 2005. 270 with. hardcover, Normal format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Voronov V.G. Ivan Starov - glavnyj arhitektor jepohi Ekateriny Velikoj./Ravens VG. Ivan Old - the chief architect of the era of Catherine the Great.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestM, 2008. 606s hardcover, an enlarged format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Arden U., Brjendl M. Tajna purpurnogo pirata. Tajna pohishhennogo kita./Arden W., Bradley M. Mystery purple pirate. Mystery of stolen whale.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestseries Three Investigators. M., Olma-Press, 1996, 272 with. hardcover, the usual format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Kinzhalov Rostislav, Belov Avraam. Padenie Tenochtitlana./Daggers Rostislav, Belov Abraham. The Fall of Tenochtitlan.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1956)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestPredisloviie and scientific. ed. Acad. VV. Struve. colored polnolstranichnye Fig. on the foldout H. Belozemtseva and A. Martynov. Cover Yu. Kiselev. a Detgiz 1956. 263 with. hardcover, an enlarged format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Pushkar Ju.D. Robot-assistirovannaya radikalnaya prostatjektomiya./Pushkar YD. Robot-assistirovannaya radical prostatjektomiya.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestGJeOTAR-Media 2014. TV cover,We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Kniga rekordov Ginnessa 1998./Guinness World Records 1998.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestTranslated from English. Publishing House Reader &apos ;s Digest. M.: ID Reader &apos ;s Digest (otp. in Barcelona). 1997. 288 p., Ill. Solid laminated cover, landscape format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Rukavicka


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1960)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestFigures E. Racheva; in the Czech language. M Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1960. 16c Softcover, encyclopedic format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Rukavichka. Ukrainskaya narodnaya skazka./Mitten. Ukrainian folk tale.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestCvetnyerisunki E.Bulatova and O.Vasileva. M. Kid. 1977. 32c., Ill. Cardboard binding, Figurnyj in the form of rukavichki encyclopedic format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Jarvis Robin


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestIllustrated by Robin Jarvis. in English. lang. Hempstead. Simon and Schuster. 1993. IX, 276 + X, 322. Publishing Soft cover, the usual format. (ISBN: 0-7500-0581-5 / 0750005815)We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order
  • Kotelnikov V. Maxim Gorkij: vzlet i padenie vozdushnogo kolossa./Kotelnikov The. Maxim Gorky y: the rise and fall of air colossus.


    Hardcover (Moscow, March 15, 1971)
    The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon requestSeries The war we are. Aviakollektsiya M. Yauza-Jexmo 2011. hardcover, encyclopedic format.We ship to worldwide destinations from worldwide origination points, including our overseas facilities. Shipping and handling charges are based on the actual weight. Buyers are advised to request a postage cost estimate before placing an order. Most orders are delivered by international mail within 30 days. For expedited shipping please contact us before placing your order