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Books published by publisher Lutterworth Press

  • Young Elizabeth Green

    Constance Savery

    Paperback (Lutterworth Press, March 15, 1975)
  • Star Over Gobi

    Cecil Northcott

    Paperback (Lutterworth Press, Jan. 1, 1987)
    A short, straightforward account of the life of Mildred Cable, and her pioneering missionary work in her travels across Asia. For 9-13 year olds.
  • Sitting on the Farm

    Bob King

    Hardcover (Lutterworth Press, Aug. 1, 1991)
  • St in the Slums

    Cyril Davey

    Paperback (Lutterworth Press, Oct. 3, 2000)
    A short, straightforward biography of Toyohiko Kagawa, the preacher and campaigner for social justice whose devotion to the poor of Tokyo before, during and after the Second World War made him famous throughout Japan. For 9-13 year olds.
  • The Adventures of Young Krishna: Blue God of India

    Diksha DalalClayton, Marilyn Heeger

    Hardcover (Lutterworth Press, Nov. 1, 1991)
    Stories about Krishna are told all over India, and his particular appeal is vividly captured by this collection. Krishna has always been a favourite with children, who have for centuries enjoyed the exciting and dramatic adventures of this brave and handsome young god. He was born to fight evil and help the good, but behaved too like any other child, being naughty and cheeky, and often getting into trouble. Krishna lived life on a grand scale, battling with demons and monsters of all kinds; yet he also stole butter and teased village girls. Marilyn Heeger's illustrations highlight the rich variety of events in the young god's life, and the stories will help children to understand the differences between good and evil. The rhythm and beauty of these tales will surely delight both young and old.
  • Never Say Die

    Cyril Davey

    Paperback (Lutterworth Press, Jan. 1, 1987)
    A short, straightforward biography of Gladys Aylward, the London parlour-maid whose mission work in China made her famous. For ages 9-13.
  • Marianne Dreams

    Catherine Storr, Edith W. Watts

    Hardcover (Lutterworth Press, May 3, 1989)
    It was while she was ill and in bed for several weeks that Marianne found the pencil. It looked quite ordinary, but it wasn't. The things she drew with it - a house, a landscape, the face watching at the window - came alive in her dreams. Sometimes what she drew was good and friendly; sometimes bad and frightening. Once, without quite meaning to, she put herself and the boy in her dreams into a very real danger, from which the only possible escape needed more courage than Marianne thought she could possibly find ... The story has been adapted for the major feature film Paperhouse starring Charlotte Burke as Anna (Marianne), Elliot Spears and Ben Cross.
  • Dark age warrior

    R. Ewart Oakeshott

    Paperback (Lutterworth Press, Aug. 16, 1974)
    Describes the weapons and armor used by soldiers during the four-hundred-year period of invasions, wars, migrations, and unrest in Europe that followed the break-up of the stable patterns of the Roman Empire.
  • I Am a Little Squirrel

    Amrei Fechner

    Hardcover (Lutterworth Press, April 1, 1994)
    From the I Am A Little... series - a series of delightful books each concentrating on a different animal. The beautiful illustrations make these titles particularly appealing, with just enough detail to draw adults and children alike into the animal's world. This story follows the thoughts of an inquisitive squirrel as he prepares for winter and watches with interest the strange decoration of a tree by the children in the house opposite his nest. It encourages children to be responsible for the wildlife around them, and to think of others when they may need it the most. These books are perfect for children who have just learnt to read, as most of the words are monosyllabic and repeated, to aid memory retention, whilst those which are longer are phonetic, which expands both vocabulary and knowledge. The format of these books is ideal for children wanting to read and establish independence from their parents, as they are small in size, perfect for small hands, and are presented like an adult publication, which boosts confidence in those engaging on independent reading.
  • Millionaire for God: The Story of C T Studd

    J Erskine

    Paperback (Lutterworth Press, April 10, 2001)
    Book by Erskine, J
  • Christian's Journey

    Rhoda Couldridge

    Hardcover (Lutterworth Press, Oct. 3, 2000)
    Christian's Journey