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Books published by publisher JS Publications, LLC

  • I Fell in Love with a Real Street Nigga

    Pebbles Starr, Cee Scott, Jaded Publications

    Audible Audiobook (Jaded Publications, Aug. 10, 2016)
    Khari finds herself in a sticky situation when she falls for her cousin's boyfriend, the intelligent, charismatic, and handsome Constantine "Cue" Saldana. He's everything she ever wanted in a man but there's only one problem. She already has a man of her own. A ruthless Caribbean kingpin serving a 10-year bid that's not willing to let her go without a fight. Aubrey will stop at nothing to keep his fiancé Khari right where he wants her - even if it means using manipulation and murder. As far as he is concerned, she belongs to him and he'll go to great lengths to ensure that everyone knows it, including Cue. Kylie has been wrapped around Jamaal's finger for as long as she can remember. He's used and abused her at every turn but for some reason she just can't seem to stay away. When he pops back up in her life with a get-rich-quick scheme, Kylie cannot resist. Will her love and devotion for the bad boy she can't let go of be her ultimate demise?
  • CP18324 - Progressive Young Beginner Guitar Method - Book Three: Book/CD

    Gary Turner

    Paperback (LTP Publications, Feb. 1, 2004)
    Continuation of Book 2. Extends the range of notes to cover all six strings and one new simplified chord shape. Beautifully illustrated throughout and including a CD with matching examples of each lesson in the book. CP18324
  • Flawless 5

    Jade Jones

    eBook (Jaded Publications, March 16, 2018)
    THE HIGHLY-ANTICIPATED FIFTH AND FINAL INSTALLMENT IS HERE!!!Join Romeo, Shayla, Kim and Desmond on their final, wild, action-packed ride! Secrets are bubbling over and drama is at an all-time high. Find out what happens after one of the gang’s biggest rivals seemingly defies death! And if that predicament isn’t enough, things really heat up after Kimberly discovers the real reason her baby daddy married another woman. Romeo and Shayla also have their own issues to deal with, starting with Quay who’s come back from the grave. If you enjoyed the other books in this riveting installment, you’ll absolutely love the finale!
  • Grave Mistakes: A Deadly Vigilante Crime Thriller

    Brian Spangler

    eBook (Junco Publications, May 26, 2018)
    Murder is Easy. But the consequences are Deadly.Amy Sholes has a problem. An obsession. She’s a murderer. A talented and prolific serial killer. To most, she is a monster—an evil person with a cancer on her soul. But to many, she is an avenging angel, serving justice and helping those who could not help themselves. Her one rule, she only kills those who prey on others. Amy is beautiful and sexy with a wonderful husband and a family she adores. Her world may seem perfect, but Amy knows it could be better. And she’s willing to do whatever it takes to rid the world of bad people. She’s a killer you’ll want to root for.Book 3 continues Amy’s story following Painful Truths. The passions and excitement of her affair with murder has left her broken and alone. But Amy has a plan: she’s going to correct the mistakes of her past and reenter the lives of her estranged family. Amy soon discovers the actions of her past haven’t been forgotten. Those she’d long forgotten about, those she’d crossed, they’ve been waiting for her, and they want her to be the vigilante avenging angel she once was. And if she refuses, then Amy may lose her family forever in this thrilling conclusion to the series, Affair with Murder.
  • Hickville Redemption

    Mary Karlik

    eBook (GPK Publications LLC, July 16, 2017)
    A 30 year old mystery…A 15 year old sleuth. Freshman Mackenzie Quinn wants nothing to do with the mysterious death of Cassidy Jones. But when her crush, Braden McGuire, declares he’s determined to uncover the truth, she is drawn into the cold case. The problem is her dad is the number one suspect. Things look pretty hopeless until her best friend, Travis Barns, loans her the secret diary of Cassidy Jones. His only stipulation is that she not share it with anybody else. But when her jealous boyfriend finds and exposes the diary, secrets come to life that could ruin MacKenzie’s whole family.Can she find a way to clear her father’s name and atone for her own mistakes before it’s too late?
  • The Nest You Rolled Out Of!

    Carol Baker

    Paperback (Pen It! Publications, LLC, July 26, 2018)
    Carol Baker is the author of The Nest You Rolled Out Of, a children's book she wrote for her son. This book was a way to explain transracial adoption to her son, whom she adopted when he was only one week old.
  • Sex, Drugs, Enlightenment: Noble Secrets from an Orthodox Buddhist ex-Monk

    Mr Alex Walking

    Paperback (Walking Publications LLC, July 10, 2017)
    An insider’s mind-blowing autobiography. It reveals for the first time the closely guarded enlightenment secrets of meditation masters in the world’s oldest lineage of Buddhist monks. Read fascinating personal accounts of accomplished adepts, both women and men, with the rarest of abilities.This definitive work also maps the evolution of Buddhism into today’s post-traditional form. It explains the Buddha’s science of mind and body as never before. Meticulously footnoted, it will hold up under the scrutiny of every Buddhologist and Buddhist teacher.Explore the empowering potential of using cannabis, MDMA, and LSD in sacred sex rituals to intimately grasp the nature of reality. This part describes in detail a ‘power practice’. You can embody the supernatural knowledge of dedicated initiates!Advance Warning: Theory and Practice sections C, D, and E contain dangerous spoilers for Vipassana meditation practitioners. Traditionally, these derail ultimate success, but this portion wouldn’t be complete without them. In this new paradigm of the Information Age, anything less than full disclosure isn’t fair to you. There are warnings where they start. If you read them, consider yourself to be a consenting adult.British spelling is a conscious choice.About the author:Born late in the Baby Boom to white-collar, WASP parents, Alex Walking was orphaned in his youth. As a teenager, he enjoyed thorough immersion in the imported cannabis trade. Cashing out at twenty-two, he spent six years spread over the next seven living in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, and Thailand. He took to practising meditation in caves and jungle, well off the beaten paths.In Asia, Alex learned both Samadhi and Vipassana meditation from incredible adepts in their inner sanctums. His Samadhi teacher was an extraordinary woman highly placed in the Theravadin Buddhist world. She would bounce him into states more vivid and electrically charged than our sphere.An accredited master in that orthodox Order of monks threw the experience of Nibbana into Alex’s system. Understanding Nibbana at four progressively deeper levels confers enlightenment from barely to fully.He was taught how to repeat the experience which is essential for becoming fully enlightened. Then, Alex was objectively tested for it over and over by the monk’s lineage’s secret methods to make sure there was no mistake. He emerged, apparently, irrevocably a different sort of human being. Theory and Practice C, D, and E explain how this happens and what it means.For fifteen months he was a fully ordained Theravadin Buddhist monk in the forest tradition of northern Thailand.All of that rare yet classical education enabled him to write this important work.The entheogens Alex is most familiar with are cannabis, LSD, and MDMA. He’s taken LSD at least three hundred times. MDMA, he’s taken at least four hundred times. 99% of his experiences with MDMA centred on ritualised tantric sex, as have many of his LSD trips.Although no longer bound by a pact to not disclose the identity of his late teacher of Red Tantra, Alex chooses not to at this time. A major Western guru loved to present her to his students as the most accomplished Tantrica he knew. In her local community, she was considered a role model for women.The book does contain inspiring details about her and insightful quotes. Multi-orgasmic and fully ejaculatory, she would completely morph into the archetypal sex goddess that the Tibetans call 'The Diamond Yogini'. Physically regenerated, her features retained the shifts afterwards.This gorgeous, brilliant lady considered such access to be every woman’s birthright which they’ve been denied through the subjugation of their sexual energy. She was adept in her navigation of the realms and her ability to articulate the experience. That made her the indispensable Initiatress into the secrets of sexual connection.Whatever your deepest question is, its answer is in this book!
  • Saddle Sore: spanked by her cowboy daddy

    Louis Woodley, LSF Publications

    eBook (LSF Publications, Sept. 12, 2018)
    At seventeen, Bethany is out of control. Unruly and undisciplined, she messes up yet again, subsequently appears in Court and her exploits are relayed on national television. Her wealthy mother has had enough of being embarrassed by her daughter and sends her to live out west with her father... which comes as a huge shock to Bethany as she's grown up believing her father to be dead. She's also grown up neglected without the care and attention of a loving mother. Her father, Pete, is a cowboy with a wife and two daughters. Bethany is rude to him from the start, and before Pete gets her back to the ranch, she gets her first ever whacking... on her bare bottom. Furthermore, although her younger sister is nice, Molly is just as surly as Bethany and the two fight - and earn a severe spanking. Bethany has a real culture shock adapting to life on a ranch. She has to work hard doing chores, attend church on Sundays, and is expected to pay attention and keep out of trouble at school. Harsh corporal punishment is a part of the fabric of life in her new environment, but when she is punished unjustly, she rebels and runs away. But perhaps Bethany can be given the opportunity to mend her ways and realise that her new family do actually care about her...
  • The Middle Ages: A Captivating Guide to the History of Europe, Starting from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire Through the Black Death to the Beginning of the Renaissance

    Captivating History

    Paperback (CH Publications, May 11, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Middle Ages, then keep reading...One of the least understood periods of European history occurred between the 6th century and the 14th or 15th century (depending on which historian you ask). Commonly called the Middle Ages, this was a time period of extreme change for Europe, beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. To a continent that had seen a drastic shift in the power structure, the world seemed to be particularly harsh. Rome had been a major player across Europe for well over a millennium. Then it was gone. This is also a time period that still inspires art, literature, and philosophy today. There were men who lived during the Middle Ages who are still quoted and revered today, such as Saint Thomas Aquinas. They were almost always men of the cloth (religious men), but not always. People still enjoy the works of Geoffrey Chaucer, a famous writer who was also a merchant. The architecture of this time has also been used and reused for many centuries as well. The cathedrals and castles built during the Middle Ages still remain while younger structures have long since crumbled. Perhaps the most famous architecture from the time though is known as the Gothic style. The look and feel of the Gothic style have inspired many generations, including the Romantics of the 1800s and the horror/mystery genre that is still so popular today. However, it was the birth of universities that reflects the thinking of the time. Prior to the Middle Ages, there was no higher education. Many of the institutions and ideas that the men of the Renaissance would explore began during the Middle Ages. It was a time when Europe healed from the fall of one superpower and transitioned into something that more closely resembled the map of Europe today. It would undergo many more changes in the years following the Middle Ages, but nations began to find their identities without their Roman overlords. In The Middle Ages: A Captivating Guide to the History of Europe, Starting from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire Through the Black Death to the Beginning of the Renaissance, you will discover topics such asFall of the Western Roman EmpireStewards of the Future – The Rise of the Byzantine EmpireReclaiming Spain and Expanding One of the Strongest and Earliest Kingdoms of the Middle AgesCharlemagne – A Brief Return to the EmpireOtto I and His New EmpireThe Great SchismThe Famous (or Infamous) Crusades – 1095 to 1291Forging a New EnglandThe Hundred Years’ War – 1337 to 1453The Horrors of NatureHigher Education and The Gothic Period – How the Middle Ages Advanced Education and ArchitectureThe RenaissanceAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Middle Ages, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • Reverence: A Significance Novel - Book 3.5

    Shelly Crane

    language (Kiss Me Publications, LLC, Oct. 6, 2012)
    A short, THREE CHAPTERS from Caleb's point of view from each of the first three books in the series given as a Thank You to fans. It is not necessary to read to continue on with the series, but you'll miss out Caleb's yumminess if you don't read it...
  • Gambit

    C.L. Denault

    language (REUTS Publications, LLC., March 31, 2015)
    The Core wants her DNA. She wants her freedom. Let the game begin.In Earth's battle-ridden future, humans have evolved. Those with extraordinary skills rise to power and fame. Those without live in poverty.Sixteen-year-old Willow Kent believed she was normal. But when a genetically-advanced military officer shows up in her village and questions her identity, long-buried secrets begin to emerge. With remarkable skills and a shocking genetic code the Core and its enemies will do anything to obtain, Willow suddenly finds the freedom she craves slipping through her fingers. Greed, corruption, and genetic tampering threaten every aspect of her existence as she's thrust, unwilling, into the sophisticated culture of the elite Core city. To ensure peace, she must leave the past behind, marry a man she's never met, and submit to the authority of a relentless officer with a hidden agenda of his own.Her life has become a dangerous game. How much will she sacrifice in order to win?Gambit is the first book in The Prodigy Chronicles, a Hunger Games meets X-Men dystopian romance series about a young girl struggling to control her immense powers and find her place in a city filled with enemies.MORE IN THE SERIES:Book 1: GambitBook 2: MimicBook 3: Gauntlet (coming soon)
  • Hickville Redemption

    Mary Karlik

    Paperback (GPK Publication LLC, July 31, 2017)
    A 30 year old mystery…A 15 year old sleuth. Freshman Mackenzie Quinn wants nothing to do with the mysterious death of Cassidy Jones. But when her crush, Braden McGuire, declares he’s determined to uncover the truth, she is drawn into the cold case. The problem is her dad is the number one suspect. Things look pretty hopeless until her best friend, Travis Barns, loans her the secret diary of Cassidy Jones. His only stipulation is that she not share it with anybody else. But when her jealous boyfriend finds and exposes the diary, secrets come to life that could ruin MacKenzie’s whole family.Can she find a way to clear her father’s name and atone for her own mistakes before it’s too late?