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Books published by publisher Destiny Image Fiction

  • Saving Grace

    Ryan Phillips

    eBook (Destiny Image Fiction, July 28, 2011)
    As the only daughter of a successful businesswoman, Grace grew up with nothing but the best. Sheltered by her single mother and educated in an exclusive private school in Detroit, Grace was not ready for the harsh realities of an unforgiving world. Grace's naivete coupled with her desire to experience life on her own terms leads her down a path of emotional devastation and physical abuse. Through a chance encounter Grace meets Mike, a successful design artist who introduces her to a relationship very different from her usual one-night-stands and affairs with married men.Things take a turn for the worst however when Grace's roommate walks in on her and her married personal trainer in their apartment. This betrayal tears apart Mike and Grace's romance and shatters the trust and friendship between Grace and Trina. In the midst of torn relationships, Grace's mother dies in a tragic plane crash leaving Grace with no one left to turn to except the God she thought had long since abandoned her.
  • The Healing Creed: God's Promises for Your Healing Breakthrough

    Becky Dvorak, Jennifer Leclaire, Leilani Haywood, Wilmer Singleton, Jo Anne Arnett, Bob Vineyard, Jim Childs, Connie Childs, Chad Budlong

    eBook (Destiny Image, Feb. 21, 2017)
    Meet Jesus, the HealerDo you believe in Jesus the Healer?Many Christians confess, “I believe in Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior, the Redeemer.” But what about Jesus the Healer?Could it be that believers today are not experiencing the fullness of Heaven’s healing power because they have ignored this vital, ancient identity of Jesus?The Healing Creed is a revolutionary work that shows you how to believe in, activate, and experience the supernatural demonstration of Jesus’ healing power.Through a blend of practical teaching and powerful, first-hand healing testimonies, you will learn to:Apply the Blood Covenant of Jesus and release miracles into impossible situationsAppropriate the redemptive work provided by the Cross over every curse and diseaseActivate the faithful healing promises of God and stand firm against sicknessAccess the untapped healing power of repentance and forgivenessAuthoritatively Pray against sickness with confidence to release victorious healingPut the Healing Creed to work in your life and experience the miracle-working power of Jesus today!
  • Secrets of the Seer: 10 Keys to Activating Seer Encounters

    Jamie Galloway, Shawn Bolz, Randy Clark, Sid Roth, James Goll, Mark Chironna, Robby Dawkins, Darren Wilson, Brian "Head" Welch, Jerame Nelson, Bob Hazlett, John Thomas

    eBook (Destiny Image, Dec. 19, 2017)
    Can All Believers See in the Spirit? Discover Keys To Activate Seer Encounters! We are surrounded by an invisible reality. Heaven is actively working to invade the space of the natural world we live in. How does this affect our daily lives? And how can we increase our awareness of the supernatural activity of heaven? Prophetic communicator, Jamie Galloway helps you glimpse the unseen dimension and activate the prophetic nature of the seer in every believer. Learn how to recognize and posture your heart for seer moments by partnering with the Holy Spirit with 10 unique keys. In Secrets of the Seer, Jamie shows you how to:Walk in a seer lifestyle, where you can recognize the unseen world in every day situations.Recognize seer moments when the convergence between the natural and spiritual are occurring.Discern supernatural abundance by seeing what is often hidden in plain sight. Make sense of prophetic mysteries such as entertaining angels, sanctified imagination, and bringing the invisible into the visible world. Open the portal to the unseen world, and partner with the Holy Spirit to release Heaven’s power into your life! “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” –Deuteronomy 29:29 (NIV)
  • The Prophetic Voice of God: Learning to Recognize the Language of the Holy Spirit

    Lana Vawser, Brian Simmons, Candice Simmons, Bill Johnson, Katherine Ruonala, Adam Thompson, Patricia King, Matt Beckenham, Greg Beckenham, Natalie Fuller, Anita Alexander, Jodie Hughes, Jennifer Eivaz, Gary Beaton, Karen Wheaton, Ryan LeStrange, Doug Addison

    eBook (Destiny Image, Oct. 16, 2018)
    Embark on a wild and unique prophetic adventure with God!The New Testament makes prophecy a priority for all believers: if you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, you are called to hear God’s prophetic voice! But if this is true, why do so many believers struggle to receive God’s voice in this way?Lana Vawser empowers you to hear God for yourself by tuning in to how He is uniquely speaking to you! Through easy-to-understand, revelatory teaching and powerful stories, Lana illustrates how God has created all believers to hear His voice in their own distinct way. The Prophetic Voice of God will mentor you on how to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking by helping you…Experience a Breaker Anointing: The simple, practical teaching will break off the fear, striving, and anxiety that many feel when it comes to hearing God speak prophetically.Demystify the Prophetic: Lana makes prophetic hearing accessible to anyone, no matter who you are or what context you come from.Discern the Prophetic Voice of God: Learn how to identify freshly spoken words from God and decipher the many different forms they can come in—signs, symbols, numbers, coincidences, pictures, and more.Receive Impartation and Revelation: You will be activated to look and listen for God’s prophetic voice everywhere.Tune in, and receive your word from the Lord!
  • Our Hands are Stained with Blood: The Tragic Story of the Church and the Jewish People

    Michael L. Brown, Eric Metaxas

    eBook (Destiny Image, Sept. 17, 2019)
    Every Christian must read this shocking account of the Church’s history.The pages of church history are marked by countless horrors committed against the Jewish people.From the first persecutions of the Jews in the fourth century to the horrors of the Holocaust, from Israel-bashing in today's press to anti-Semitism spouted from the pulpit, this painful book tells the tragic story that every Christian must read.In a freshly updated and expanded edition of this pivotal work, Dr. Michael Brown exposes the faulty theological roots that opened the door to anti-Semitism in Church history, explaining why well-meaning believers so often fall into the trap of hate... and showing how you can bring an end to the cycle of violence.This generation can make a difference. Now is the time for change! Discover the important role you play in helping to shape a Church that will bless Israel rather than curse Israel.
  • The Designer Bag at the Garbage Dump: A Novel

    Jackie Macgirvin, Mike Bickle

    eBook (Destiny Image Fiction, May 15, 2012)
    Welcome to The Designer Bag at the Garbage Dump. It's a fish out of water story about how God turns 32-year-old Julie's manicured, pedicured, self-absorbed designer life upside down. Julie, a nominal Christian, heads to New York for a weekend shopping binge. On a deserted train, she sits next to a stranger who turns out to be Jesus. After a wonderful, healing conversation she agrees to His request to, "feed My lambs." When she gets off the train she's in India. Her charmed life is shattered--she must care for 12 "filthy orphans" living on a dump before she can return to her comfortable life. She lives on the street and overwhelming new challenges arise daily. While squatting in an alley, going to the bathroom, an orphan, named Ravi, steals her designer purse. Unbeknownst to Julie, Ravi, who speaks English, holds the key to her communicating with the other orphans. Will Julie learn 1) to trust the Lord when nothing is in her control? 2) that she doesn't have to perform to be loved? and 3) that her life is built on a shaky foundation? Can she protect the orphans from a predator who steals and maims children and sends them out to beg? How will God provide food when her wallet is stolen? Can she find safe homes for the children? The answers to these questions will also be the answers to many of your questions about God, life and yourself. Pick up a copy of The Designer Bag at the Garbage Dump and jump into a great adventure!
  • The Daily Prophecy: Your Future Revealed Today!

    Brenda Kunneman

    Paperback (Destiny Image, March 28, 2013)
    Do you need a word from God? The Daily Prophecy shares a unique prophetic word—plus much more—for each day of the year. More than a daily devotional, you will feel divine inspiration as you read The Daily Prophecy. Each prophecy is written as if God is speaking directly to you—bringing you hope, security, peace, and the joy of feeling loved by your heavenly Father. Each daily word also provides prophetic Scripture and biblical insight into that day’s special focus including finances, health, family, career—365 everyday issues and concerns. Also included is a daily significant prayer that you can decree over yourself that builds a strong foundation for not only your spiritual life, but also your physical, emotional, and relational life. Author Brenda Kunneman has a prophetic anointing that she uses to bring believers closer to the Lord. From January 1 to December 31, you will be emboldened with the wisdom and revelation presented in The Daily Prophecy—Your Future Revealed Today!
  • The Way of Life: Experiencing the Culture of Heaven on Earth

    Bill Johnson, John Bevere, Katherine Ruonala, Randy Clark, Shawn Bolz, Heidi Baker, Mark Batterson, Sid Roth, Patricia King, Ryan LeStrange, James W. Goll, Mario Murillo, Lana Vawser, Ché Ahn

    eBook (Destiny Image, Sept. 18, 2018)
    Can the Supernatural Become Natural?Bill Johnson, respected pastor, bestselling author and senior leader of Bethel Church, lives in a culture of the miraculous. In his groundbreaking new book, The Way of Life, he shares not as a theological spectator, but as an active participant in a historic move of God that has been sweeping the nations.From over 40 years of personal experience with the Holy Spirit, Bill mentors you on how to:Create a supernatural “greenhouse effect” that impacts the world around us through practicing Kingdom values.Sustain a flow of God’s supernatural powerin your life, your family and your church community.Develop a culture that values wholeness—body, soul and spirit—where the Kingdom has tangible impact on every area of our lives.Build supernatural relationships through honor and seeing the significance of every person.Walk in the completed work of the Cross because you are grounded in an “It is Finished” theology.Partner with the Presence of the Holy Spiritto transform the everyday places where God leads you.Run towards impossible situations and release the supernatural solutions of Jesus.
  • The Happy Intercessor

    Beni Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Bill Johnson, Bonnie Chavda, John Paul Jackson, Lance Wallnau, Larry Randolph

    eBook (Destiny Image, Feb. 28, 2009)
    As we dive into the Father s heart we are overwhelmed by His presence, the fullness of joy. From this place we begin to see from His perspective. As we see and understand His world we are compelled to intercede.We are now praying and speaking with fresh insight.We see that we no longer have to pray from a place of defense. Instead we pray offensive prayers from His presence. When we speak our petitions and most important our declarations into the atmosphere, authority and breakthrough come. From the intimate place with our Father everything is birthed.
  • The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting

    Mahesh Chavda

    eBook (Destiny Image, Jan. 28, 2007)
    God has provided a way to turn certain defeat into awesome victory and demonic strongholds into highways of His love and power. When overwhelming defeat looks you in the face, whether the attack is physical or a family or financial crisis, The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting holds keys that will unlock the resident power of the Holy Spirit within you!Through this book you will receive an impartation from a man who has lived these truths and has seen the power of God released for total victory against impossible odds, resulting in revival and literal resurrection.Mahesh Chavda has lived the lifestyle of prayer and fasting. This book will inspire you to battle through--whatever your circumstance--because God has given you a remedy for bringing His glory into your life, your church, your city, and your nation through the hidden power of prayer and fasting. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • Holy Spirit: The One Who Makes Jesus Real

    Michael Koulianos, Bill Johnson

    Paperback (Destiny Image, June 20, 2017)
    How does Jesus live in my heart? What does it look like to have a personal relationship with Jesus? Can I actually do what Jesus did when He walked the Earth?In Michael Koulianos’ landmark book, prepare to experience Jesus Christ at a whole new dimension—through the person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit.Through this revolutionary teaching, learn to:Walk in the supernatural anointing of Jesus: The Spirit anointed Jesus to perform miracles, heal the sick, and cast out demons. Follow in His example and start operating in this same power.Access the presence and power of Jesus: Jesus is seated at the Father’s right hand in Heaven. Learn the ways of the Holy Spirit to encounter Him on Earth.Rediscover the person of Jesus: Through the Spirit, you will encounter the Savior who has risen and entrusts you with His resurrection power.If you want to enjoy a personal, dynamic, and supernatural relationship with the Son of God, you must discover how to partner with Jesus and the Holy Spirit!
  • Holy Spirit: The One Who Makes Jesus Real

    Michael Koulianos, Bill Johnson

    eBook (Destiny Image, June 20, 2017)
    How does Jesus live in my heart? What does it look like to have a personal relationship with Jesus? Can I actually do what Jesus did when He walked the Earth?In Michael Koulianos’ landmark book, prepare to experience Jesus Christ at a whole new dimension—through the person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit.Through this revolutionary teaching, learn to:Walk in the supernatural anointing of Jesus: The Spirit anointed Jesus to perform miracles, heal the sick, and cast out demons. Follow in His example and start operating in this same power.Access the presence and power of Jesus: Jesus is seated at the Father’s right hand in Heaven. Learn the ways of the Holy Spirit to encounter Him on Earth.Rediscover the person of Jesus: Through the Spirit, you will encounter the Savior who has risen and entrusts you with His resurrection power.If you want to enjoy a personal, dynamic, and supernatural relationship with the Son of God, you must discover how to partner with Jesus and the Holy Spirit!