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Books published by publisher Circle Publications, LLC

  • Hair Peace

    Dawn Doig

    language (Pen It! Publications, LLC, May 10, 2020)
    Johanita wants to have beautiful hair like the other girls at school. Johanita’s hair is very short. When her mother takes her to the hair salon, Johanita tries a series of wigs out each day at school, but she can’t decide which one makes her look beautiful. After a new girl starts at school, Johanita discovers that beauty comes in many forms and it isn’t your hair that makes you beautiful.
  • I Love My Bear

    Debra Toymil

    Paperback (Pen It! Publications, LLC, Dec. 3, 2019)
    Children with cognitive impairments are unable to learn through play or to utilize books in the same way that typical children are able to. After many years of struggling to find materials that are at an appropriate level for teaching and parenting children with severe disabilities (including cognitive, visual, and neurological), Author Debra Toymil decided to create her own materials to promote growth and learning. I Love My Bear is appropriate for this population of children with special needs, as these children readily respond to its rhyming, tactile, and kinesthetic components
  • But for the Mountains

    Erin Riha

    Paperback (REUTS Publications, LLC., May 29, 2020)
    Arden Thatcher wasn’t meant to be chosen.But when her name is announced, she’s presented with something she never thought she’d have: a future away from her abuser. Shuttled off to attend the prestigious National Women’s Institute, Arden will receive Nordania’s highest honor, studying with other elite candidates to become leaders, diplomats, and ambassadors on the world stage.Only, the institute’s not quite what she expected. Paraded around in gown after gown, the tests seem less about educating and more about a different competition, with a very specific prize at stake—the Nordanian Prime Minister’s son. Despite the dean’s protestations that angling for an engagement leads to expulsion, Arden sees the truth. There’s a secret bubbling beneath the institute’s refined surface, and those who refuse to play along may well wind up dead.With the danger escalating, and the return of her abuser on the horizon, Arden’s shiny future becomes a gilded cage. And this time, she’s going to need powerful allies to escape.Political intrigue, swoon-worthy romance, and a dash of dystopian flare, But for the Mountains begs the question, how do you change the world when you’re not allowed to try?
  • Ducks Eat Pancakes

    Kate Curit

    Paperback (Pen It! Publications, LLC, May 22, 2019)
    The inspiration behind Ducks Eat Pancakes, comes from author Kate Curit’s oldest daughter Emma. They are seasonal campers at Poland Spring Campground in Poland, Maine. Right across from their campsite is a small playground with a duck spring toy.Emma was putting something up to the duck’s mouth. Kate asked her what ducks eat and she said, “Mom, ducks eat pancakes.” Kate immediately had the entire story in her head. Since then, she has begun creating other stories based on Emma's imagination so watch for more books from Kate.
  • Moon Magick

    Monique Joiner Siedlak

    eBook (Oshun Publications LLC, May 13, 2017)
    Why are we drawn to the Full Moon?There is a fascination with the moon for everyone. Who cannot help but be captivated by the magnificence of a full Moon on a clear night? and what the Moon can reveal.Inside you will learn: How you can manifest during the New Moon Drawing money to you by increasing your vibrations When you want to begin your long-term goal for lasting effectsThese are just a few of the secrets we have gleaned from our closest astral body, the Moon.Get your copy today!
  • The Bleak and Empty Sea: The Tristram and Isolde Story

    Jay Ruud

    Paperback (Encircle Publications, LLC, Aug. 10, 2017)
    When word comes to Camelot that Sir Tristram has died in Brittany of wounds suffered in a skirmish, and that his longtime mistress, La Belle Isolde, Queen of Cornwall, has subsequently died herself of a broken heart, Queen Guinevere and her trusted lady Rosemounde immediately suspect that there is more to the story of the lovers' deaths than they are being told. It is up to Merlin and his faithful assistant, Gildas of Cornwall, to find the truth behind the myths and half-truths surrounding these untimely deaths. They take ship to Brittany to investigate, and find themselves stymied by the uncooperative attitudes of Tristram's close friend Kaherdin, lord of the city; his sister and Tristram's wife Isolde of the White Hands; and Brangwen, La Belle Isolde's faithful lady-in-waiting. The case is complicated by the facts that King Mark of Cornwall is Gildas's own liege lord, and that Duke Hoel, Lord of Brittany, is King Arthur's close ally and father of the lady Rosemounde, who urges Gildas to clear the name of her half-sister, Isolde of the White hands, whom gossip has implicated in Tristram's untimely death. By the time they are finally able to uncover the truth, Gildas and Merlin have lost one companion and are in danger of losing their own lives.
  • The Skylark's Song

    J.M. Frey

    language (REUTS Publications, LLC., Sept. 4, 2018)
    A Saskwyan flight mechanic with uncanny luck, seventeen-year-old Robin Arianhod grew up in the shadow of a decade-long war. But the skies are stalked by the Coyote—a ruthless Klonn pilot who picks off crippled airships and retreating soldiers. And as the only person to have survived an aerial dance with Saskwya’s greatest scourge, Robin has earned his attention.As a pilot, Robin is good. But the Coyote is better. When he shoots her down and takes her prisoner, Robin finds herself locked into a new kind of dance. The possibility of genuine affection from a man who should be her enemy has left her with a choice: accept the Coyote’s offer of freedom and romance in exchange for repairing a strange rocket pack that could spell Saskwya’s defeat, but become a traitor to her country. Or betray her own heart and escape. If she takes the rocket pack and flees, she could end the war from the inside.All she has to do is fly.Filled with intrigue, forbidden romance, and a touch of steampunk, The Skylark’s Song soars in this new duology from the award-winning author of The Accidental Turn Series.
  • Midnight Queen: A Tudor Intrigue

    Anne Stevens

    eBook (TightCircle Publications, May 14, 2015)
    Midnight Queen is the second volume in Anne Stevens' epic Tudor Crimes saga. Stretching from the downfall of Cardinal Wolsey, through the turbulent years of the matter of King Henry's divorce, it sketches out the very real world of Tudor middle England. The story is told at breathtaking speed. Behind the great events of Tudor times, there is a dark underworld of corrupt politicians, foreign intrigeurs and dangerous men, looking to advance themselves, at any cost. The author shows you the hidden events, through the eyes of the ordinary people who serve the great powers at court. Will Draper, now married to Miriam, is called on, once more, to help destroy a plot against the influential Pole family. They are descendants of the last Plantagenet king, and someone is killing them off. Thomas Cromwell, Eustace Chapuys, King Henry VIII, Stephen Gardiner, and Sir Thomas More all play their part, and the known historical facts are woven into a tale of intrigue and murder, which may well bring down a dynasty.Anne Stevens is a welcome addition to the genre, and has a real feel foe the commoner in Tudor times. She has her characters behaving in the right manner for the age, and does not impose modern values on Tudor thinking. If you do not have wealth, then the harsh truth is there to see. We are treated to scenes in ramshakle villages, great houses, taverns, and bawdy houses, where a night's pleasure can set a man back six pennies. Equality is not a factor, and a fortune can only be won by treachery, great service, or at the point of a sharp sword.Will Draper serves Cromwell, often violently, and his sword is always ready. Murderous jugglers, traitorous lords, spoiled young men, social climbers, princesses, great ladies, and cheap whores sprinkle the action, bringing the flavour of Tudor reality to this sprawling epic of historical fiction.
  • A Warrior's Legacy: Orestes

    J. E. Bell

    language (330 Publications LLC, July 26, 2014)
    Orestes has a secret that he wishes he could hide even from himself. To everyone else at Warrior Peak, Orestes is the model military student--top of his fighting class and son of a powerful division leader. But Orestes knows better. He knows he is from a land far from Warrior Peak, and he knows that the only reason he can swing a sword well is due to his brutal upbringing among the sinister Morroks, who build up their army by kidnapping the children of other races. But when the Morroks start attacking Warrior Peak and its colonies, Orestes has to make a choice. Does he stay quiet even when his past may unlock the secret to defeating the Morroks? Or does he risk alienating those around him--including the woman he loves--by revealing his shameful origins? Orestes's choice may be taken from him, however, as the Morroks begin sending him messages--often written in the blood of others--reminding him that he might not be as far out of their reach as he'd like to think.
  • Christmas Memories: The Tree Hunt

    Judy Kiel McKain

    Hardcover (Pen It! Publications, LLC, Oct. 21, 2019)
    Shelley Huber Trimble 1-24-1960 – 11-16-2016Shelley was born and raised in Jackson County, Indiana, graduated from Brownstown High School and continued her education at Indiana University and University of Evansville. Shelley wrote this memory of hunting the annual Christmas tree with her Dad and siblings. Mom would be at home awaiting the prize tree and all would join in the celebration of decoration. Having given her Aunt, author Judy Kiel McKain, permission to share the poem results in this book. In remembrance of Shelley’s life and contributions as a pediatric physical therapist for 34 years, we focus on the legacy she leaves through the Shelley A. Trimble Fund for Pediatric NeuroRecovery at the University of Louisville.Shelley came to Louisville from Gainesville, FL in the fall of 2012, along with Dr. Andrea Behrman, to establish one of the first pediatric neurorecovery programs of its kind in the country embedded in Frazier Rehab Institute, now known as Kosair Charities Center for Pediatric NeuroRecovery at the University of Louisville. She believed strongly in locomotor training as the best therapy she had ever witnessed for improving the lives of children with spinal cord injuries. Checks payable to the University of Louisville Foundation. Advancement Operations 2323 B=South Brook St. Louisville, KY 40292. In the memo, include the gift allocation (Shelley Trimble memorial fund, G2841) or give on line at
  • How to Raise Pigs

    Tristan Trubble

    language (CDI Publications, LLC, June 20, 2017)
    When it comes to raising livestock, pigs are another animal worth considering. Pigs will reduce the amount of waste around the homestead by consuming as much of it as possible; from table scraps to lawn clippings, and everything in between, pigs are voracious eaters. They get their size from having an enormous appetite and a less than stellar metabolism.Pigs come in a wide variety of sizes, from the small, little cute pygmy versions that some people keep as pets, to the big, round pork belly swine from which bacon is carved. All species of pig have similar characteristics, so if you’re just getting started with livestock, you might want to try your hand at raising a small pet pygmy first. This will give you some insight on what to expect, on a much larger scale, when you pick up a big pig species to raise for food.Pork meat is considered a healthy source of protein and nourishment, which may be a concern for some preppers, survivalists, and homesteaders. Raising pigs is a little different than raising cattle, or goats, and this book walks you through what to expect from your swine from start to finish. To Your Safety, Security & Sustenance, Tristan Trubble
  • Dorothy's Teacup Adventures: The Mermaid Teacup

    Conor Geary

    Paperback (Pen It! Publications, LLC, March 6, 2019)
    The Mermaid Teacup is book 2 in Dorothy’s Teacup Adventures. In this adventure, Dorothy finds herself pulled deep into the pond by a beautiful mermaid teacup. What will this new adventure have in store for her and will she survive?