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Books published by publisher Amazon Create Space

  • Secrets Behind Violet Eyes

    Dawn Clifton

    language (Create Space, May 10, 2016)
    When Carson agreed to take on the trio’s third summer mystery, he had no idea what dangerous adventures it would bring. Withholding the time and place from his friend, Levi and cousin, Emma was wrong, but Carson didn’t want to risk their refusal. In his mind, the decision to time travel to a place not found on Earth’s atlas, was the right thing to do. In addition, it was the request of a ghost, who gave them the time travel rings in the first place.Upon the trio’s arrival, they meet a thirteen year- old girl named Alina, who calls herself the guardian of Labora. Upon their entrance into a unique tree city, a number of inhabitants mysteriously become ill. During efforts to discover the origin, Carson finds a red gemstone which belonged to Alina’s mother before she was killed by a nearby clan. Things take an unexpected turn when Alina transfers her guardian powers to Carson just before she is abducted. Their investigation becomes a rescue mission against time, against century old evils, and against horrors living within a treacherous world where Carson, Emma and Levi are considered intruders. The trio’s quest to save their new friend and save her people, faces them with only two outcomes, do or die.
  • The Princess Who Wore Glasses

    Laura Hertzfeld Katz, Jacob Duncan

    eBook (Create Space, Oct. 11, 2013)
    In this magical and richly illustrated book, King Edward and Queen Victoria notice that their daughter, Princess Liana, can't see very far, which means she's missing out on all the wonders of the kingdom of TuaLuna. What can they do? She can't see little flowers, stars in the night sky, or ladybugs!Young readers are invited to share the journey as they set off to meet Maximilian, the court magician, to see how he could help. When Princess Liana is presented with an amazing pair of eyeglasses swirled with purple, pink, and blue, she is overjoyed to see a world filled with glorious detail. And what's more, she can now enjoy a fuller relationship with her friends, because she can see them more clearly.!Princess Liana sees everything--- bows, smiles, ribbons, and lace! Finally, little girls can know a real princess who wears glasses!
  • Totally Boy Crazy

    Faith Grant

    language (Create Space, July 12, 2015)
    Jessica Thompson and her best friends, Lilly and Cassidy, have a secret club, called Guys, Fries, and Apple Pies, where they pick a boy of the month with whom to flirt. To them it’s all in good fun, but it eventually lands them in serious trouble. Even Jessica could not anticipate the turn of events that would eventually build to a catastrophic level. Life is tough enough for 14-year-old Jessica living with a strict single mother and an annoying, nosey younger brother. Her father left the family when she was four and has had little contact with them since. Her mother tries her hardest to keep Jessica focused on the important things in life, like school, family and friends, but, when she thinks about boys, Jessica’s brain tends to turn to mush. What happens when a teenage girl who is completely obsessed with boys is banned from all contact with them? Will Jessica ever find out what real love is all about?From suburban Sunnyvale, California to the picturesque coast of Half Moon Bay, Totally Boy Crazy is an honest, humorous look at young romance and all the complications that come along with it.This book was inspired by the writings of Judy Blume and is depicted in an authentic adolescent voice. Like Blume’s novels, it deals with real issues and situations that affect girls on the verge of becoming young women.
  • Only the Rats are Walking: Tales of a Female Tetraplegic

    Nancy Smith

    eBook (Create Space, Oct. 26, 2014)
    In the confusing, fear-filled moments following the car crash, Nancy Smith pushed down her rising panic to ensure her four young passengers were safe. Only when Smith turned her attention to herself did she realize something was terribly wrong. She was motionless, unable to move, her face pressed against the airbag. Her spinal cord had been severed. She was paralyzed. In Only the Rats are Walking, Smith offers an uncompromising portrayal of life as a tetraplegic, with no sensation or motor control in her torso or limbs. She recalls the initial despair in the ICU with unflinching honesty, while her depiction of people's attitudes toward the paralyzed is by turns comical and deeply frustrating. At the same time, she shares how family and friends rallied to help her adjust to her new reality. Smith's tale provides insight into life with paralysis, making her story vital reading for anyone dealing with, or helping someone deal with, a severe spinal cord injury.
  • Clint Cowboy

    Kim Anderson Stone

    eBook (Create Space, Nov. 30, 2016)
    Clint Cowboy rides into town in the second book of a planned Cowboy Ranch series. In this sequel to Cody Cowboy, young Clint continues the tales of his fun family and his quirky animals to young readers everywhere.Clint, the younger of the Cowboy sons, is feeling left out when older brother, Cody, and his best friend, Hank Welder, set off for a camping trip down by the lake.Being the mischievous little brother, young Clint is excited to see that his favorite person in the world, his Grandpa, has shown up at the ranch to keep him company. Being equally mischievous, you can bet that Clint and Grandpa will get into some trouble. Will their faithful dogs, Otis and Gibbs, spoil their plans? Or will Grandma set them straight?Throughout the book, author Kim Anderson Stone promotes positive values like a strong work ethic and personal responsibility. With simple story lines and charming characters, Clint Cowboy is also a perfect stepping-stone on the road to longer books. For parents looking to transition their children from picture books to chapter books, Clint Cowboy is another winner!
  • Along the Garden Path

    Charlotte Peyton

    language (Create Space, March 12, 2016)
    This is a story about Addison Erhard, an affluent young seventeen-year-old growing up in McLean, Virginia, who feels pressured to be successful. She wants to be a journalist who makes an impact on the world. In order to attend her dream school of Columbia University, she must break the state track record, and write an incredible story for her school's magazine. Her family is split in their support, the pressure in the community and from her father is to attend an Ivy League school, to become a successful lawyer, doctor, politician or banker; her father would like her to become a banker. Her mother, an artist who does not fit in with the McLean society as well as her father, supports her desire to follow her dreams.She meets a boy, Mason Gentry, who wants to buck high society McLean by following his family’s legacy and become a farmer. While investigating her story about kids who pursue non-traditional college and career paths, the young journalist falls in love with Mason.In March a student at Chain Bridge High School and friend of both Mason and Addison, Jamison Randall, is struck down during a hit-and-run accident early one morning. The driver of the car has fled and Jamison is in a coma. Addison, who works for the news magazine, decides to investigate the accident on her own, and what she find is more than she can handle.
  • Mermaid's Cove

    Jeanette Mc Farlane, Ashlie Anderson

    language (Amazon createspace, Feb. 21, 2016)
    Mermaid's Cove is a story about four mermaids with special powers. Star, Jellica, Findella and Sandy.There is a mermaid's ball. It is also about friendship and making a new friend.
  • Elements of Bree

    Trent Gillespie, Ross Gillespie

    eBook (Amazon/Createspace, June 27, 2018)
    Breanne always knew she was different. What she didn't know, was that she was not from this world. She was from a world of monsters, magic, and adventure. Now, she must return to save her homeland, restore the elements, and discover her destiny.
  • Beautifully Broken: My Journey to a Mended Heart

    Rhonda Marie Stalb, George McVey, Salena Potter

    language (Create-a Space, Jan. 16, 2015)
    Beautifully Broken: My Journey to a Mended Heart is a shocking memoir of Rhonda Marie Stalb’s rocky road to peace and joy. It is a journey of adversity and healing. This poignant story shows vividly how God is very aware of our hurts. We see how God is with us every step of the way through the pain, trials and losses. In her story, Rhonda makes it very evident that our pain can lead us to people who can be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to help us along the road to healing. Furthermore, God doesn’t waste our pain because He transforms the shattered pieces of life into a beautiful masterpiece. It is only by being Beautifully Broken that Rhonda has learned to minister to those who have the same hurts, fears, and dreams. Her goal is to help people who are on a similar road to find their way to being Beautifully Broken.
  • Saints Or Sons of Perdition:George V & Edward VIII:: Edward's Daughter's Version of History

    Emily Windsor-Cragg

    language (Create Space, Oct. 11, 2018)
    History comes down to us from the winners. And when we encounter the same same story over and over again, we begin to wonder, who wrote the story, anyway? Was it the people who lived it, or was there another agenda? Well, I'm Edward's daughter, digging through his life. The biographies of the last three Kings of the United Kingdom were written from a Globalist agenda--not simply telling the Truth how things went. ... I'm the daughter here to tell you, it was different than you heard officially, and my father was not what they say he was because he didn't know the difference between a capitalist and a Nazi. Well, I do know the difference--even if the UK Monarchy no longer does. And I'm here to tell you, things were not as they seemed.
  • Sydney the Monster Stops Bullies: Learn how to prevent your children from being bullied.

    Tom DePaoli, Laurie Barrows

    language (CreateSpace and Amazon, April 24, 2015)
    Enjoy one of the best children’s anti-bullies’books ever! Sydney the Monster Stops Bullies, by Dr. Tom DePaoli, explains to children how to stop bullies in an entertaining way. Sydney is able to influence children in a way no human can, and the fact that he is one step removed from real life,allows children to confide in his message in a way they simply couldn’t with any friend or relative. It’s powerful stuff. Sydney the monster is a friendly monster. He uses special monster and computer geek powers to stop bullies and teach children to respect differences. There’s no denying that bullying is an epidemic that knows no geographical or cultural boundaries. This book has global potential. There should be a copy in in every home, school, church or any place where young people congregate. It contains a message they desperately need to hear, it emphasizes prevention, organizations that can help, and actions to take.Protect your children from bullies now before it is too late.
  • Liars: The News Industry

    Frank Thompson

    eBook (Createspace-Amazon, Nov. 14, 2014)
    For the past century little had stood in the way of those running the news industry, a handful of socialists; men, women, dynasties. No real threat to their power and influence had ever surfaced in that time, nothing that could not be dispensed with by the overwhelming force of their news empires. These demigods believed themselves invincible...invincible up to that one fateful day when catastrophe struck them down. It was a day like no other, the day when their long-held monopoly slipped from their grasp and their control over the truth, forever lost. This is the telling of that tale, a tale of the events leading up to that single turning point for the nation...a day when truth was restored to the people...and the liars put out to pasture.