Gus's Gum and Jenny's Penny: Christian Parable Poems for Children
Liz Wilkey
(Amazon KDP, Nov. 30, 2017)
Gus’s Gum and Jenny’s Penny is a collection of original children’s stories in poetic verse, based on the parables of Jesus. A brief scriptural excerpt precedes each poem. Catechetical insight, lyrical cadence, vivid imagery, and a touch of humor then combine to engage the listener in a whimsical journey based on each parable. Although children sometimes find it hard to relate to biblical references to unfamiliar objects such as lamp oil, vineyards, and wineskins, they are eager to grasp the broader message and relate them to their own lives. Just as Jesus used parables to help followers understand teachings about God’s Kingdom, these modern-day parables refer to objects familiar to children and, in so doing, are able to impart the very message that Jesus intended. From “No Mercy for Percy” a fanciful limerick based on the parable of The Unforgiving Servant, to “The Son Who Didn’t Think” an insightful and poignant recounting of the story of The Prodigal Son, each of these poems employs an imaginative approach to reach into the hearts of children, excite their imaginations, and provide them with an example of how they can respond to the Good News of the Gospel.