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Books published by publisher A Hard Row Press

  • Sir Gibbie

    George MacDonald

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • Driven Back to Eden

    Edward Payson Roe

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • The Research Magnificent

    H. G. (Herbert George) Wells

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • The Dreamer A Romantic Rendering of the Life-Story of Edgar Allan Poe

    Mary Newton Stanard

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • The Little White Bird; or, Adventures in Kensington gardens

    J. M. (James Matthew) Barrie

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé

    Harry Houdini

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • The Lamp and the Bell

    Edna St. Vincent Millay

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • Five Weeks in a Balloon

    Jules Verne

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • The Pony Rider Boys in Montana Or, the Mystery of the Old Custer Trail

    Frank Gee Patchin

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • Hobson's Choice

    Harold Brighouse

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • The Real Diary of a Real Boy

    Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Shute

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
  • Love and Freindship

    Jane Austen

    Paperback (Hard Press, Nov. 3, 2006)
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!