In the Days of the Red River Rebellion; Life and Adventure in the Far West of Canada
John McDougall
(, Sept. 12, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1903 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER V. We start for the big camp--Varied diet--My first breechloader--A scare--A wonderful scene--A "great lone land"--Clerical costumes--Exciting buffalo hunts -- Struck by lightning--Charged by two buffalo bulls--A battle royal--Changing conditions -- Unerring instinct of Indian guides--Our camp rushed by a buffalo herd-- Loss of our only waggon. The place of rendezvous for the great hunt was "somewhere on the big plains"--rather indefinite --but we had faith we could find it. Starting my people from the lake, I went into Edmonton partly on business and partly for the purpose of guiding and accompanying the Rev. Mr. Campbell and his brother-in-law, Mr. Snider, to our camp. We made some tall travelling from Edmonton to Battle River, where we caught up to my people and then moved on in a southeasterly direction towards the plains. Passing little Beaver Lake, crossing Buffalo Running Valley and then Willow Creek, and on to the last points of timber, our movement was from twenty to twenty-five miles per day, until we found buffalo enough to live on. Our routine was, early morning service, then down tents and march, stopping for a noon spell, and then on until the early evening, when another service and rest came. Of course relays of guards were on duty each night to prevent surprise or the stealing or driving off of our stock. All day the hunters were out on each side of our line of march. We had to forage our way, not on the enemy this time, but out of Mother Nature's storehouse, from which the natural man had lived for centuries, but which was even now in this part of the country showing signs of exhaustion. What a bill of fare ours was-- buffalo, moose, elk, black-tailed and white-tailed deer, antelope, bear, beaver, lynx, skunk,...