Signs and Seasons
John Burroughs
(, Sept. 12, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1895 edition. Excerpt: ... INDEX Acorns, 11. Adder's-tongue, 28. Agassiz, Louis, 31. Ancients, false science of the, 18-20. Anemone, 169, 170. Ants, as weather prophets, 7. Apples, frozen, 49, 50, 54,134. April, the relish of, 164; cresses in, 164, 165; arrival of birds in, 166, 167; the flowers of, 169-171; green landscapes of, 171-173; swelling buds in, 173-177. Arbutus, trailing, 28, 169. Arnold, Matthew, quotation from, 159. Ash, black, 260, 261. Audubon, John James, 169. Bald Mountain, 122-124. Barns, Dutch, 222-224; old un- paiuted, 223, 224; modern painted, 224 ; building, 228, 229; moving, 229, 230; roofs of, 252. Bear, black (Ursus americanus), the rifleman and the bear, 116, 117; 119; sagacity of a mother, 120, 121; 122, 123. Bee. See Bumblebee and Honey- bee. Bee, carpenter, 176. Beech-nuts, 11. Birch, paper or canoe, uses of, 99- 103. Birch, red or cherry, 260, 261. Birds, winter flocks of, 61; their lives subject to many dangers, 63-65; the home instinct in, 63; dangers to early nests, 65; loca- tions of nests, 71; position of the female among, 137; spring ar- rival of, 166, 167; silence and songs of migrating, 167, 168 ; bat- tles between female, 168, 169; chatter and silence of young, 203; their sufferings from ver- min, 204, 205; collectors among the worst enemies of, 210-214; milliners as the enemies of, 2lt; charmed by snakes, 215-217. Birds of prey, 83. Birthroot. See Trillium, purple. Bitter-sweet, 11, 51. Blackbird, red-winged. See Star- ling, red-shouldered. Black-thorn, 169. Bladder-nut, 11. Bladderwort, horned, 26,124, 125. Blind miller, a, 30. Blood-root, 28, 170,173. Blueberry, 123. Bluebird (Sialia sialis), 60, 66, 67, 91,132; wintering in New York State, 164; battle between rival females, 168, 169; 204; notes of, 169 ; nest of, 65....