In conjunction with the animated feature film due to be released in October 1993, this flip book tells the story of the skeleton from Halloweentown who discovers the wonderful land of Christmastown. Original. Movie tie-in.
(Hyperion Books for Children, Sept. 1, 1993)
Jack Skellington, the king of Halloween, accidentally stumbles into Christmas Town and decides to take over, kidnapping the real Santa and delivering scary toys and decorations to everyone
Haunting images from a unique tale of how a well-meaning fellow named Jack Skellington discovers the Christmas spirit. Based on the fall 1993 Disney film collaboration with Burton, director of Edward Scissorhands, both Batman films, and Beetlejuice. 30 postcards. Full color.
An activity book based on the animated film, "The Nightmare Before Christmas", an interpretation of the children's poem, "The Night Before Christmas". The book contains quizzes, crosswords, word-games and puzzles, and is illustrated throughout with characters from the film.
(Hyperion Books, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., March 15, 1994)
From the director of Batman and Beetlejuice came an innovative animated feature, Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas--the first ever to employ stop-action animation and earning over $60 million at the box office. This magnificent color volume is the perfect companion for fans of Tim Burton, his film, and filmmaking. Foreword by Tim Burton.