The Problem with Judy
Anne Westhafer, Jessie Lee
(David Lee Family Enterprises, Aug. 12, 2015)
" “The problem with you, Nelson Adamson, is that you don’t got no brain or conscience!” Judy’s gravelly voice shouted into the phone. Viciously she slammed down the receiver. She shot up, Pekinese fashion, and strutted into the hall. Throwing open the front door, she marched on her four-inch stiletto heels under the noses of two astonished callers."Everybody's met a Judy. Somehow, as crass and rusty on the outside as they always are, you always like them. Deep down inside they have a soft heart, which you can see in their eyes if you look long enough. Why? Because often they have a story--of pain, and they just like to hide it under the gruff face.Meet Judy, raised by her grandparents because of her dysfunctional home; has a baby out of wedlock in her teens and is dying of cancer. What will happen to Judy? Why does the old well bring back so many memories? And why do her grandmother's words keep echoing in her ears?