Zulu-English dictionary
John William Colenso
(RareBooksClub.com, May 14, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1884 Excerpt: ...tine = it was only a passing thunder-shower (probably by some such a storm a man of that tribe was once killed). Mbo (Ukuti) = Mbosa. Ex. us'etiwe mbo ukufa, he is now covered over by disease, wholly under its influence or power. Mbo (Im), n. A fatal sickness, probably dysentery of the worst kind. Ex. 'mi mbo ing'umkuhZane ontima ohudisayo, owenza ukusidonsa negazi, the immbo is a fatal disease which sends to stool and causes straining with blood. Mbokazana (Z7 for Umu), n. East wind. Mbombo, adj. Large (used only in izibongo). Mbombo (U), n. Creeping plant with large flat leaves, used for making intelezi. Mbomboza, V. Talk incessantly = Mpompoza. Mbongolo (Im), n. (See imBongolo.) Mbonoolwana (U), n. Loquacious person, pouring out words, either from habit of talking or in a passion. Ex. 0.' Mbongolwana! uqapel'etami, eiako tikuhlalele, you gabbler, you attend to my (izindaba) affairs, while your own are waiting for you to attend to them. Mbonqoza, v. Lament loudly, cry; cry with words, as a child or old person; howl with grief. Mboza, V. Cover over, as face and eyes. % nkutimbota, bow down to the ground, as before a chief. Mbozela, V. Cover over for. Mbozisa, V. Help or make to cover over. Mbozisa (Im), n. Name of a fever-medicine. Mbozisa'mahlanga (Im),n. Heavy rain about the time of harvesting, towards the end of April (lit., 'which covers over the beds of reeds '). Mbozi8isa, V. Cover over thoroughly. Mbu (Umu), n. Tree with soft wood. Mbubumbubwana, adj. Very soft and flexible, like a baby's hair. Mbula (Isi), n. Beads of a black-blue colour. Mbulu (I), n. Large lizard or land-iguana. Mbulula, V. Open, as a corn hole or a grave; dig up, as a corpse. Ex. ngafunga ngambulula okudala, I swore I dug up a corpse of former times (if I did so and so,)= I decl...