Grandfather's Chair
Nathaniel Hawthorne
(Forgotten Books, Aug. 14, 2012)
Classes in English Literature, Reading ,G rammar, etc EDITED BY EMINENT ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SCHOLARS, Each Volume contains a Sketch of the Author s Life, Prefatofy and Explanatory Notes, etc., etc. 1B yron s Prophecy of Dante. (C antos I. and II.) 2M ilton s Li A llegro, and II Penseroso. 3L i Ovd Bacon s Essays, Civil and Moral. (S elected.) 4B yron s Prisoner of Chillon. 5M oore s Fire Worshippers. (L alia Kookh. Selected.) 6G oldsmith s Deserted Village. 7S cotts Marniion. (S elections from Canto VI.) 8S cott s Lay of theL,ast Minstrel. (I ntroduction and Canto I.) 9B urns s Cotter s Saturday Night, !and other Poems. 110 Crabbe s The Village. 111 Campbell s Pleasures of Hope. j(A bridgment of Part I.) 13 Macavilay s Essay on Bunyan sI Pilgrim s Progress. 113 Macaulay s Armada, and other Poems. !14 Shakespeare s Merchant of Venice. (S elections from A cts I., III., and IV.) 15 Goldsmith s Traveller. 16 Hogg s Queen s Wake, and Kilmeiiy. 17 Coleridge s Ancient Mariner. 18 Addison s Sir lloger de Coverley. 19 Gray s Elegy in a Country Churchyard. 20 Scott sL.ady of the Lake. (C anto I.) 21 Shakespeare s AsT on r.ike I t, etc. (S elections.) 83 Shakespeare s King John, and Kichard II. (S elections.) 23 Shakespeare s Henry IV., Henry V., Henry VI. (S elections.) 84 Shakespeare s Henry VIII., and Julius Cajsar. (S elections.) 25 Wordsworth s Excursion. (B k.I.) 26 Pope s Essay on Criticism. 27 Spenser s Faerie Queene. (C antos I. and II.) 28 Cowper s Task. (B ook I.) 29 Milton s Comus. 30 Tennyson s Enoch A rden, The I..otus Eaters, Clysses, and Tithonus. 31 Irving s Sketch Book. (S ele( tions.) 32 Dickens s Christmas Caro (C ondensed.) ii3 Carlyle s Hero as a Prophet. 34 Macaulay s Warren Hasting; (C ondensed.) 35 Goldsmith s Vicar of Wak field, (C ondensed.) 36 Tennyson s The Two Voice and AD ream of Fair Womei 37 Memory Quotations. 38 Cavalier Poets. 39 Dry(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)