Find Out About Canada
Sue McMillan, Tom Hutchinson
(Barron's Educational Series, Jan. 9, 2009)
Kids tour Canada's colorful cities: Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. They also visit fishing villages of Nova Scotia, the majestic Canadian Rockies, and the frozen north, as they sample Canada's English and French cultures. Titles in Barron's growing Find Out About series take young readers on delightful tours through countries around the world with vivid descriptions of the land, its history, and its people. A simplified but geographically accurate map of the title country opens up on a gatefold page flap, showing major cities and geographical features. Accompanying the map are facts about the country's area, population, important rivers, and its location on the globe. Each book's four separate sections have different color page tabs to mark the divisions. The four parts are-- An introduction--facts and figures, highlights of major cities, favorite pastimes of the people Life in the title country--children at home, at school, and at play, and the grown-ups' major occupations and industries Facts about the country--its history, its famous people, and its landmarks Have a nice day-- exciting things to see and do when touring the country Countries are described from a child's point of view, and pages are filled with child-friendly color illustrations. Each book presents an appealing introduction to its title country, offering interesting facts that describe its people and their culture. Books in this series are as entertaining as they are informative, and make fine supplements to textbooks in elementary social studies classes.