Boom Chicka Boom
Liz Weir, Josip Lizatovic
Audio CD
(The O'Brien Press, Dec. 28, 1995)
Nine track tape of stories - old and new - with participation rhymes and playful verses. Full of magic and drama. The tape consists of the following storiesSIDE 1SIDE 2Going To Granny'sThe Rabbit's TaleTwo Legs, Three LegsWee Meg Barnileg Master of All MastersLong Boney Finger Boom Chicka BoomThe Tailor and the Button The Rathlin Fairy TaleAvailable in a variety of formats:Book ISBN: 0-86278-417-4 £3.99 pbTape ISBN: 0-86278-461-1 £4.99CD & Book ISBN: 0-86278-469-7 £8.99CD ISBN: 0-86278-470-0 £5.99Book & Tape ISBN: 0-86278-460-3 £7.50