Oh, Mary, be careful!
George Weston
(RareBooksClub.com, May 21, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1917 Excerpt: ...or sugar? " asked Mary in a faint voice. "Yas, indeedy!" chuckled Pearl. "Mars' Richard suttenly made out for the cream and sugar he didn't have yisterday!" Whereupon a fourth little ache knocked at Mary's heart and took its place with the other three which had already gained admittance. "How well Aunt Myra knew them!" she thought as she packed her trunk next day. "They're--they're dreadful!" For the moment she felt like little Red Riding Hood walking uncertainly along among a pack of masculine wolves--staring wolves, tyrannical wolves, wolves that looked when they shouldn't have looked, wolves that thought of nothing but their dinners. She was almost in favor of giving it up and going back home. "What's the use of going any farther?" she thought. "They're all the same." Then the old Meacham fighting strain asserted itself. "No, sir!" she thought, snapping down the top of her trunk, "now I've started, I'll go right through with it. Then when I get home I shan't have anything to reproach myself with. I shall be through with them, then--absolutely through with them--and good riddance to bad rubbish, too!" Which was somewhat involved, but I think you'll gather what Mary meant. "As long as I stay single I can laugh at them all," she thought, "and I've only got two more places to go." CHAPTER VII In this independent frame of mind she journeyed on to Putnam, where Elizabeth Woodward lived, Elizabeth, who had been her own particular chum at Miss Dana's Seminary for Young Ladies. It didn't take Mary long to discover that Elizabeth's brother wasn't at home and wouldn't return till Friday. "Thank goodness, it's only Tuesday!" she thought. "For a few...