Nature Detective: British Seashore
Victoria Munson
(Wayland, Dec. 13, 2016)
Find out about the most common plants, insects, crustaceans, seasweeds, molluscs and birds found on British seashores today. Full descriptions of each, along with their scientific name, size, family and food. Beautiful, large colour photographs will make identification easy. Includes fascinating information about rock pools, the tides, food chains and safety at the beach.From shells and anemones, to jellyfish and crabs, lugworms, urchins, sandhoppers, butterflies and gulls, a world of wildlife waits for you to discover it. Become a nature detective and explore the natural world around you. If you enjoy this book, then why not search out the other titles in this series: British Birds; British Mammals; British Trees; British Wild Flowers and British Insects.