Explores various theories of evolution and unravels the mysteries of prehistoric time, from the first life on earth to the appearance of human beings, using modern scientific evidence and methods
Recounts the exploration of outer space and how people's views of the universe have changed, describes what is known about the solar system and the stars, and discusses space exploration and the possiblitiy of extraterrestrial life
By looking at man's exploration over the centuries and the advancements made by modern technology, this book tries to elicit secrets from the watery depths of the ocean.
A children's whodunnit featuring the five Find-Outers, who think they are in for a boring time in the village - that is until a convict escapes and a mystery that needs solving presents itself, thanks to a travelling fair and a conference of beetle lovers.
Recounts the exploration of the pyramids of Egypt, describes how they were built and their role in Egyptian society, and discusses pyramids in other cultures