Learn-at-Home: Math Bundle Grade K
Jodene Smith, Sharon Coan, Lisa Greathouse
(Shell Education, May 1, 2016)
The Learn-at-Home: Math Bundle for Kindergarten offers a math workbook for daily practice and math-focused readers. The bundle comes with daily practice sheets that cover a variety of math topics, with activities aligned to national and state standards. The individual math readers discuss mathematical concepts in a fun way for young learners, and include text features, such as bold print, captions, index, and glossary, to increase comprehension and mathematical fluency. This resource can be used in the classroom or at home to develop and maintain math skills, and comes with digital resources, including assessment tools and reproducibles of activity sheets. The Learn-at-Home: Math Bundle Grade K comes with Fun in the Sun; Farm Animals; My Birthday Party; and 180 Days of Math for Kindergarten.