Be a Good Listener
Tamara A. Fackrell, Rylee Witbeck
(Independently published, Dec. 25, 2018)
Being a good listener is one of the fundamental skills in character education. Good listening is required throughout your life and is used in many different circumstances. Good listening requires listening ears, listening eyes, a listening mouth, a listening brain, and a listening heart.The purpose of this book is to teach children to understand how to be a good listener. Each communication style has both positive and negative traits. In this book, the Convincing Fox is very good at expressing herself but not as good at listening to others. The Supporting Elephant is very good at listening but is not as good at speaking up for what he wants. Beyond listening, this book talks about the Supporting Elephant as having the courage to speak up and not to hold grudges.Reading and discussing the concepts in this book with your children can help teach them how to be good listeners, how to discover their voice, and how to self-soothe when problem solving. These skills will help your children become Character Education Heroes!The six communication animals are the Demanding Lion, Convincing Fox, Negotiating Zebra, Teamworking Swan, Supporting Elephant, and Avoiding Turtle. This Character Education Series teaches core values as children with the various communication styles interact in the stories. The goal of Character Education is to use the most effective communication style in any given circumstance. In this book you will see how a Supporting Elephant interacts with a Convincing Fox. The more your child identifies, understands, and utilizes each of the six communication styles, the more your child can effectively communicate with all types of people and problems. When you are with a Supporting Elephant, you should be a good listener. When you are with a Convincing Fox, you should speak up for what you want. One of the most effective techniques is to mirror the style of the person with whom you are interacting. Understanding the six different methods of communication can transform your child into a Character Education Hero!