Miss Lily, the Crown and the Dance
Trudy Bryant, Connie Boner, Pat Raglin, Donna Rothgeb, Jacqueline Haltom
(Heart Wings Books, Nov. 1, 2007)
This children s storybook is a parable-legend set at Christmastime in an actual place in time Independence, Kansas Riverside Park and Zoo. The story transcends any geographical boundaries and is truly a universal story that can be read to children and read by children and adults. The themes that are woven through the book are the common good, sharing of gifts, charity toward others and a joining of hands to help radiate light into our world. It is a storybook that speaks to the spirit that every human being has worth and that everyone should be included in the dance of life and truly present at it s table. The animals in the story are bestowed with human characteristics and personalities so as the readers can relate to them a kind of Narnia. Miss Lily, the pink swan and Old Cranberry, the elderly muscovy duck mentor are the two main characters. Miss Lily goes through a transformation from being self-centered to serving the other birds on Bird Island. The last two pages of the book show the golden light of Heaven and the golden light from earth kiss. At the same time, the children s colorful birthday candles ignite and blaze from the sharing act. Unity in the community, young and old, all races, one shared humanity. This is the message of Miss Lily, the Crown and the Dance Love wins...