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Books published by publisher Twenty First Century Books

  • Recentering the Universe: The Radical Theories of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton

    Ron Miller

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Aug. 1, 2013)
    In the sixth century B.C.E., the Greek philosopher Anaximander theorized that Earth was at the center of the cosmos. That idea became ingrained in scientific thinking and Christian religious beliefs for more than one thousand years. Defiance of church doctrine could mean death, so no one dared dispute this long-accepted idea. No one except a handful of courageous scientists. In the 1500s and 1600s, men like Nicolaus Copernicus, Johanned Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton began to ask questions. What if Earth actually orbited the sun, instead of the other way around? What if the universe was much bigger than anyone imagined? These scientists risked their reputations―even their lives―to challenge the very heart of Catholic dogma and scientific tradition. Yet, in less than 200 years, their radical thinking overturned theories that had lasted more than a millennium. Join these bold thinkers on the journey of discovery that forever changed our understanding of the cosmos.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Building Smarter Machines

    Stephanie Sammartino McPherson

    eBook (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Aug. 1, 2017)
    In 2011 a computer named Watson outscored two human competitors on the TV quiz show Jeopardy! and snagged the million-dollar prize. Watson isn't the only machine keeping up with humans. The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, with drones, robots, and computers handling tasks that once only humans could perform.Such advances raise challenging questions. Do Watson and other computers really think? Can machines acquire self-awareness? Is AI a promising or a dangerous technology? No machine, not even Watson, yet comes close to matching human intelligence, but many scientists believe it is only a matter of time before we reach this milestone. What will such a future look like?
  • Trashing the Planet: Examining Our Global Garbage Glut

    Stuart A. Kallen

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Aug. 1, 2017)
    On a global scale, humans create around 2.6 trillion pounds of waste every year. None of this trash is harmless―landfills and dumps leak toxic chemicals into soil and groundwater, while incinerators release toxic gases and particles into the air. What can we do to keep garbage from swallowing up Earth? Reducing, reusing, recycling, and upcycling are some of the answers. Learn more about the work of the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Ocean Cleanup Array, the zero waste movement, and the many other government, business, research, and youth efforts working to solve our planet's garbage crisis.
  • Chasing the Storm: Tornadoes, Meteorology, and Weather Watching

    Ron Miller

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Jan. 1, 2014)
    Huge, towering clouds build up in the sky―it's a super cell. The Doppler radar indicates that the system is rotating. But is there a funnel? Is it touching the ground? Only a storm chaser can confirm when a tornado is present―and help meteorologists warn nearby towns. Whenever severe weather threatens, storm chasers hit the road to hunt for tornadoes, hurricanes, or violent storms. Some drive thousands of miles in just a few days as they follow a storm system from Iowa to Texas. Others serve their cities and towns by taking photos from their backyards and phoning in storm details to local weather stations. Specially trained Hurricane Hunters hop into aircraft packed with scientific instruments to fly deep into powerful hurricanes, hoping to reach the eye of the storm. Are storm chasers a bunch of foolish daredevils? Not at all. Many are scientists while others are professional photographers and videographers. Storm chasers arm themselves with training about severe weather, use sophisticated instruments, and follow safety guidelines. In Chasing the Storm, you'll meet real storm chasers and meteorologists, hear their stories, and discover how they do their work. You'll learn tornado basics, get a great window into the science of meteorology, and learn how to pursue a career in the field. You might even decide to become a storm chaser yourself!
  • Women in the Military: From Drill Sergeants to Fighter Pilots

    Connie Goldsmith

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Jan. 1, 2019)
    In December 2015, the Pentagon changed a rule to allow American women to serve for the first time ever in front-line ground combat troops. Women have fulfilled many military roles throughout history, including nursing; driving ambulances; handling administrative duties; working as mechanics; and serving in the WASPs, WACs, WAVES, and SPARS. More recently women are flying jets, conducting surveillance, commanding naval ships, and now fighting on the front lines. Yet no matter their official title, they have faced devastating discrimination―from lack of advancement, economic inequity, and inadequate veteran support, to sexual harassment and rape. Meet the women who have served their country courageously and who are standing up for fairness in the US military.
  • Tupac Shakur: Hip-Hop Idol

    Carrie Golus

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Aug. 1, 2010)
    As USA TODAY, the Nation's No. 1 Newspaper, puts it, "[Tupac] Shakur saw himself as both artist and urban soldier, battling the media, the law, the courts and rival rappers." Tupac overcame poverty to become one of hip-hop's biggest stars. His life, death, and music were all surrounded by controversy. Raised by a single mother and ex-Black Panther in Harlem, Tupac grew up aware of the problems in society around him. His social conscience and creative talents made him a unique voice in rap music. He starred in several Hollywood films about the challenges of urban life. But Tupac also struggled with drug abuse, served time in prison, and faced extreme violence―including a shooting that took his life. Throughout Tupac Shakur's career, he outraged some and inspired many. He continues to be known as one of the greatest rappers in the history of hip-hop.
  • Stephenie Meyer: Dreaming of Twilight

    Katherine Krohn

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Aug. 1, 2010)
    As USA TODAY, The Nation's No. 1 Newspaper, puts it, Stephenie Meyer is "one of those rare success stories that inspire unpublished writers." In 2003, Meyer was a 29-year-old mother of three in suburban Phoenix, Arizona. She had no thought of writing a book. Then one night she had a vivid dream of a teenage couple with one unusual problem―the young man was a vampire. Meyer decided to write down her dream. Within six months, she had turned her notes into anovel, Twilight, and secured a $750,000 deal with a publisher. Published in 2005, Twilight soon landed on a New York Times best seller list. Three sequels―New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn―thrilled teen and adult fans alike. Movie deals, merchandise, a clothing line, and Twilight-themed tourism followed. With more than 85 million copies sold worldwide, the Twilight books launched Meyer to fame and fortune. But she remains committed to family and to writing―as fans wait to see what Stephenie Meyer dreams up next.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Building Smarter Machines

    Stephanie Sammartino McPherson

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Aug. 1, 2017)
    In 2011 a computer named Watson outscored two human competitors on the TV quiz show Jeopardy! and snagged the million-dollar prize. Watson isn't the only machine keeping up with humans. The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, with drones, robots, and computers handling tasks that once only humans could perform. Such advances raise challenging questions. Do Watson and other computers really think? Can machines acquire self-awareness? Is AI a promising or a dangerous technology? No machine, not even Watson, yet comes close to matching human intelligence, but many scientists believe it is only a matter of time before we reach this milestone. What will such a future look like?
  • Apollo 13: A Successful Failure

    Laura B. Edge

    eBook (Twenty-First Century Books TM, March 3, 2020)
    "Houston, we've had a problem."On April 13, 1970, the three astronauts aboard the Apollo 13 spacecraft were headed to the moon when a sudden explosion rocked the ship. Oxygen levels began depleting rapidly. Electrical power began to fail. Astronauts James Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise were about to be stranded in the inky void of outer space.The mission to the moon was scrapped. Now, Apollo 13's only goal was to bring the crew home. With the damaged spacecraft hurtling towards the moon at roughly six thousand miles per hour, there was little hope of success. But the astronauts and mission control were fully prepared to do whatever it took to return the crew to Earth.This space disaster occurred at the peak of the United States' Space Race against the Soviet Union. But for four days in 1970, the two nations put aside their differences, and the entire world watched the skies, hoping and praying the astronauts would return safely. As missions to Mars and commercial space flight become a reality, the time is now to be reminded of our common humanity, of how rivals can work together and support each other towards a shared goal. Because no matter what happens or where we travel, we all call Earth home.
  • America in the 1940s

    Edmund Lindop, Margaret J. Goldstein

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Sept. 1, 2009)
    Presents the social, political, economic, and technological changes in the United States during the nineteen forties, including the nation's role in World War II, the dawn of the atomic age, and the post-war baby boom.
  • American Hip-Hop: Rappers, DJs, and Hard Beats

    Nathan Sacks

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Aug. 1, 2012)
    A rapper spits rhymes into a microphone. A DJ scratches a record back and forth against a turntable needle. Fans' feet stomp along to a stiff beat. These are the sounds of hip-hop. Hip-hop music busted out of New York City in the 1970s. Many young African Americans found their voices after stepping up to the mic. In the decades afterward, rappers and DJs took over the airwaves and transformed American music. In the twenty-first century, hip-hop is a global sensation. Learn what inspired hip-hop's earliest rappers to start rhyming over beats, as well as the stories behind hip-hop legends such as Run-D.M.C., 2Pac, Lauryn Hill, and Jay-Z. Follow the creativity and the rivalries that have fueled everything from party raps to songs about social struggles. And find out how you can add your own sounds to the mix!
  • Smart and Spineless: Exploring Invertebrate Intelligence

    Ann Downer

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Aug. 1, 2015)
    When you think of smart animals, what comes to mind? Wise old owls? Problem-solving dolphins? Maybe you have heard of Koko the gorilla, who has mastered one thousand signs in American Sign Language, or Chaser the border collie, who recognizes one thousand names for her stuffed toys. But what about ants building megacolonies or bees reporting to the hive about new nesting sites? What about escape artist octopuses and jellyfish that use their eyes (they have twenty-four!) to navigate? Are insects, spiders, and other animals without backbones considered smart, too? When we think of intelligent creatures, we often think of vertebrates, or animals with spinal columns and relatively large brains. We don't usually think of invertebrates, or animals without a spine. But invertebrates can be astonishingly intelligent. These animals exhibit surprising feats of learning, memory, and problem-solving using their relatively simple, tiny brains―some the size of a sesame seed or even smaller. In fact, some intelligent invertebrates have no brain at all! Scientists around the world are putting invertebrate intelligence to use in mind-boggling ways. Engineers are designing swarmbots based on bees to take part in search-and-rescue efforts. And materials scientists are basing a new, tough ceramic on the structure of a mantis shrimp's claw. In Smart and Spineless, readers will be challenged to think in a whole new way about what it means to be smart!