Hercules: My Shipmate
(Pyramid, March 15, 1966)
Robert Graves was a poet, a critic, a classicist best known for his theory of poetic myth making ~ The White Goddess ~ and novelist. He combined his abilities and retold the myth of Jason and the Argonauts. In pursuit of The Golden Fleece, Jason joins forces with the Argonauts who are made up of the heroes of Greek mythology...the demi-gods and minor deities who pre-Troy decide to sail to adventure on the ship Argo. Some 85 sailors are mentioned by name in ancient sources; however Hercules, My Shipmate whittles that down to 50. When the boisterous, rowdy crew set sail in pursuit of the fleece, the entire Mediterranean was involved. Sailing through the Hellespont, Jason prevailed with the help of Aphrodite and brought the fleece home. This is a novel written in a different time. There are perorations and dialogues that are absent in today's prose form. Skipping over some of the well-written information may cause the reader to miss some of the richer story, so taking the time to read the full version is important.