Best in Children's Books, Volume 12
Lewis Carroll, Phyllis Krasilovsky, Ethel and Leonard Kessler, Mary Macnab, John Tenniel
(Nelson Doubleday, March 15, 1958)
Best in Children's Books, Volume 12 edited by Mary Macnab and Gladys Schwarcz. Nelson Doubleday. Garden City, New York. 1958. The contents of Volume 12 include With Alice in Wonderland, selections adapted from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", written by Lewis Carroll and illustrated by John Tenniel; The Man Who Didn't Wash His Dishes written by Phyllis Krasilovsky and illustrated by Peter Spier; The Three Little Kittens illustrated by Leonard Weisgard; The Sun Keeps Us Warm written by Victor C. Smith, Katherine Clarke, and W. R. Teeters and illustrated by George Guisti; Plink Plink! written and illustrated by Ethel and Leonard Kessler; America's Lake and River Fish illustrated with color photographs; Val Rides the Oregon Trail written by Sanford Tousey and Illustrated by Edward Shenton; and Let's Visit Brazil with color photographs and an illustrative map. Best in Children's Books was a reading program for youngsters, for which a staff of experts assembled each month a collection of the world's best children's literature, old and new. These volumes, richly illustrated in color by famous artists, are packed from cover to cover with full-length books, poetry, historical adventures, games, fairy tales, nature, science and geography sections -- a wide variety of wholesome reading.