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Books published by publisher E-BookTime, LLC

  • Let's Talk About Anger and Gossip

    Carolyn B. Anderson

    Paperback (E-BookTime, LLC, July 15, 2015)
    Both anger and gossip use speech in their manifestations in a person's life. Anger is an emotion that God expects each person to handle according to His Word. Gossip is using speech in a negative way against another person. Children and teenagers learn that for them to allow anger to express itself without setting boundaries grieves the Holy Spirit, as well as, opens the door for trouble to come into their lives. Anger and gossip can be controlled. God expects each person to exercise self-control in his own life and refuse the enemy's invitation to manifest the emotion of anger anytime he wishes and refuse the enemy's invitation to gossip about another person. Review questions and word puzzles are included at the end of each chapter to reinforce the information just learned.
  • Wolf and White Eagle - Indian Tales

    Priscilla Garduno Wolf, Paul White Eagle

    Paperback (E-BookTime, LLC, Dec. 14, 2007)
    Wolf and White Eagle - Indian Tales is a collection of Indian tales retold by storytellers, artists, and authors Priscilla Garduno Wolf and Paul White Eagle, Chief of Cherokee Ahniyvwiya Indian Tribe in Grassy, Missouri.
  • The Storybook Tree - For the Young and Young at Heart

    Patricia Harper Cummings

    language (E-BookTime, LLC, Aug. 20, 2015)
    This little book is a mixture of Christian-based tales and poems, some enchanting, some humorous and some profoundly moving. Each is aimed at a different age group and may be used as a reading for Sunday School classes. There are lessons on how to listen to the usually silent voices of God’s creation, how to recognize the work of guardian angels, and how the Holy Spirit is at work in our world today. One story depicts a group of teenagers on a scavenger hunt who discover more than one kind of treasure. Another is a coming-of-age tale about a frightened fawn, and one more, a fairy tale, offers an alternative to the usual happily-ever-after ending. The final selection, the most compelling of all, is a story that speaks profoundly to the root origins of the tragic events that occurred at the Emmanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17, 2015. The reader will be moved or enlightened or entertained by this charming assortment of tales and poems.
  • Let's Talk About Honor and Peer Pressure

    Carolyn B. Anderson

    Paperback (E-BookTime, LLC, Jan. 13, 2016)
    This book combines two topics on honor and peer pressure. Walking in honor is a day-by-day choice. Each person must decide if he or she is going to daily choose God's way which is the honor way. In order to walk in honor, one must understand what honor is. This book discusses topics of walking in honor such as authority, character, foolishness, vandalism, lying, and the occult. On the topic of peer pressure, children and teenagers discover exactly what peer pressure is and its consequences. They learn the importance of making the decision to refuse to bow to peer pressure and how they can turn and walk away from it. This book gives ages 10 and up a strong spiritual foundation for becoming all God wants them to be. Each chapter contains review questions at the end plus word puzzles which reinforce the information just learned.
  • The Forest

    Joanne Godoy

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, Sept. 15, 2011)
    The Forest is a story about a girl named Misty who disobeys her mother and follows her dog Bruno into a mystical forest, only to find that she cannot get out. Reynard the wolf and his forest friends try to help her find her way back to her mother... but her new found friend Cassandra doesn’t want Misty to leave!
  • Titanimus Makes Jenny A Genie - My Genie and Me Series Book 4

    Betty Crofoot, Roo Arledge

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, Aug. 22, 2014)
    Futuna surprises Jenny with astonishing news that she’s going to become a Genie in 33 Earth days and she’ll be back to take her to Crystalfairia to meet Titanimus and the Seven Supreme Crystals.Everything seemed to be going as planned until the Supreme Crystals warned King Farook that because the Black Hole above Aurion had collapsed into itself, the fabric of Space-Time had changed. Time was running out, Futuna now had only 33 hours to get Jenny to Crystalfairia. Knowing her Genification was in jeopardy, King Farook decided that he had to go instead of Futuna to get Jenny.Will King Farook get Jenny to Crystalfairia in time? Will Jenny meet Titanimus and the Seven Supreme Crystals? Will Jenny receive her Genie Powers after all? Will Jenny go on future adventures in Book 5?
  • To the Land of Fantasies

    Solur Zeng

    language (E-BookTime, LLC, Aug. 18, 2008)
    Ten boys... two girls... and six tales of excitement. Jason and his sister, Alex, are trying to get out of a video game. John faces five fearsome beasts that are coming to destroy Pacturia. Meanwhile, Albert fights the mighty wizard of darkness, who wants to take over the world. Another Albert is transformed into a metaking, while his brothers are turned into metaprinces. They must then stop the metaqueen and the metaemperor from gaining world domination. Whether it be destroying monsters, defeating an evil emperor, or getting out of a video game, they all succeed. But little do they know that an even stronger villain is to be born...
  • The Great Celebration Ceremony

    Roo Arledge, Betty Crofoot

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, Sept. 18, 2012)
    Thinking it’s just another one of Jenny’s “stories” her Mum and Dad agree to let her go to the Genies’ Great Celebration Ceremony.At the Great Pyramid, King Farook, Jenny and Sunny watch as Futuna and all the other Genies receive their new powers. But little did they know that while everyone was having fun at the ceremony, Tulreen, Queen of the Drugons and Zoyrel, King of the Dracks were secretly plotting to take over the Planet Earth and Aurion.Jenny and Futuna return from the ceremony and things start to go haywire when Futuna practices her new powers at Jenny’s school.Then when Futuna grants Jenny’s wish to go to Hawaii, Jenny is astonished to discover that she can now talk to animals. Suddenly the volcano Kilauea erupts. King Farook summons Pele the Goddess of Volcanoes for help. Can the Goddess Pele save the day? Will Tulreen and Zoyrel conquer Earth and Aurion?Find the answers in Book 2 and future My Genie and Me Book Series: Book 3 – Battle for the Multiverse, Book 4 – Jenny Becomes a Genie, and even more adventures for JENNY and FUTUNA still to come ....
  • The Gickens Resolution

    Linda Anderson

    language (E-BookTime, LLC, May 7, 2013)
    Welcome back to the fascinating world of the 12 inch tall Gickens. You were introduced to them in the first book of this series – Let’s Meet the Gickens. Now the story continues. Caseyville has been settled now for a couple of years, and everything seems to be going smoothly. Then Kevin, Andrew, and Rudy decide they want to make their lives a little easier and become more modernized. They ask Casey for ideas, and he graciously comes up with one. But can they make it work? When Temple is told about their plan, he offers his garage as a work space. Little did anyone know what was going to happen because of this. Slip inside the pages of this book to get some questions answered and to hear about The Gickens Resolution.Tricia, a retired Librarian from Nevada, has this to say – What a wonderful and safe series for your readers that have discovered chapter books, and can’t put them down. At least that is what will happen after they meet the Gickens – those small people that used to live in the forest. This 2nd book in the Gicken series is a stand-alone hit for kids at that adventurous age who love mysteries and problem solving. Living in the newly created town of Caseyville, the story continues. There is so much to be done. I hope you have as much fun reading about their adventures as I have.
  • No Such Thing As A Genie

    Roo Arledge, Betty Crofoot

    language (E-BookTime, LLC, Feb. 24, 2012)
    Set in Australia, nine-year-old JENNY lived in the small seaside town of Coogee Beach. While playing on the beach she trips over a beautiful vase. Not knowing it is the Great Vase of Ra, Jenny takes the vase home to surprise her Mum, but instead, Jenny is the one who gets surprised when she discovers a little girl Genie named FUTUNA stuck inside.While JENNY is still thinking there is “No Such Thing As A Genie”, Futuna tearfully explains the story of how she fell into the vase while playing in the Great Pyramid of KHUFU. FUTUNA tells JENNY that the GREAT CELEBRATION CEREMONY occurs every thousand years when the DRUGON STAR aligns with the Great Pyramid. Even if only one Genie is missing the ceremony cannot take place and all the Genies will lose their powers. Meanwhile, KING FAROOK, the King of the Genies, decrees that all Genies search for FUTUNA. JENNY is determined to help FUTUNA get to the GREAT CELEBRATION CEREMONY in time. Can the Genies find FUTUNA or will they lose their powers? Find the answers in future “My Genie and Me” series: Book 2 – The Great Celebration Ceremony, Book 3 – Battle For The Multiverse, Book 4 – Jenny Becomes A Genie, and more adventures for JENNY and FUTUNA still to come…
  • Lucidia A Glimpse of Dualism

    Abron S. Toure

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, Dec. 20, 2005)
    Lucidia A Glimpse of Dualism is the second book in The Glimpse science fiction fantasy series. It carries on in the tradition of blending technology, religious symbolism and a philosophical critique on contemporary social and environmental ethics. The story picks up with the lives of our three main characters, Issy, Gyee and Weaver now all grownup having taken their rightful places in Zinndarian public life. They are given the task to protect the legacy they have inherited as citizens of a great society. Two crucial changes unfold in the book. Our heroes find their female counterparts and in so doing begin to discover the real gifts associated with the creation story. Secondly, the mysteries of mysticism come full circle. At the heart of the story a debate rages whether the art can be practiced as a true science. The question becomes mute as the physical and spiritual evolution of the planet’s inhabitants’ begins to fully play out. The hidden secrets in the first Glimpse saga or the means to attaining eternal life continues to unfold as the people of Zinn are compelled to accept their role in a war that is being waged on a celestial level. In this battle the once mysterious Teachers move away from their anonymous role as Keepers of the Camps and reengage the Zinndarians as allies against an unimaginable foe.Above all Lucidia is a love story between man and woman, man and mentor and man and his creator. The Zinndarian life struggle remains as complex as ever as the gifts and the legacy of their condition becomes more rewarding.
  • A September to Remember

    Richard Wubbena

    Paperback (E-BookTime, LLC, Aug. 8, 2011)
    Jim's first day of class in September was interrupted when a new student, Irvin, entered. Irvin showed an instant dislike for Jim, and before the day had ended Irvin had bullied Jim several times. The bullying continued day after day and not even Jim's best friend, Jack, would support him. Jim was so fearful of Irvin that once he pretended to be sick so that he didn't have to go to school. Only when a classmate, Jessica, befriended Jim and encouraged him did he find the inner strength to resist Irvin's bullying.