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Books published by publisher Distributed by Feldheim Publishers

  • Skullcaps and Crossbones - The Adventures of Shmuel Kafri

    Yonah Klein, Jacky Yarhi

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, Nov. 15, 2013)
    An unearthed home from the times of the Arizal is found to contain a chest of papers, believed to be the private collection of Harav Chaim Vital. Among those papers is a book, purporting to be the private diary of Yaakov Koriel, the 16th-century Jewish pirate who captained three ships in the Caribbean.Koriel, who abandoned piracy and moved to Eretz Yisrael, left behind this record of his life. Exciting and moving in turn, it shows how a young Jewish boy in Inquisition Spain became a naval captain, then a pirate, and finally returned to life as a religious Jew.But the diary has more than one secret. Shmuel Kafri and his son, Yitzchak, investigate the Koriel diary on behalf of the Jewish Antiquities Society, and quickly find that the diary is even more valuable than they could have imagined, well worth a trip to Israel and Jamaica. But someone else is also trying to get his hands on the diary.
  • Team Taryag: The Fire-X Flashlight Mystery

    Chaim Walder

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, Nov. 20, 2017)
    Tanchum, Reuvi, Yisrael, Gadi. They're best friends, and ordinary kids in every way. Except that extraordinary things always happen to them. When they find a strange flashlight in Savta Azulai's yard, they have no idea of the exciting adventure about to start...Taryag is stunned by the amazing beams of light the broken flashlight emits. Wow! Tanchum, Reuvi, Yisrael, and Gadi cry out as the clubhouse lights up. The sight is mesmerizing. A tense silence falls over the group. Suddenly, they realize that they've discovered something much bigger and far more mysterious than anything they've ever dreamed of. What they don't know is that when they turned on the flashlight, a GPS device in a secret bunker in Russia began beeping. The race is on!Why are intelligence agencies all over the world trying to get their hands on the mysterious flashlight? And how far are they willing to go to get it? How did Team Taryag begin? Where is their secret clubhouse?How did Taryag meet Savta Azulai? Who is Speedy and what is he planning to do to the kids in the group? Join Team Taryag in The Fire-X Flashlight Mystery, which also includes dozens of stories from the Sages, parables, and astonishing Midrashim.Are you ready?Taryag to the end! Ein od Milvado
  • The Ones and The Zeros

    Rabbi Baruch Chait, Darrell Mordecai

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, Dec. 3, 2018)
    We can learn many important lessons about life from stories. Imaginative stories with make-believe characters enable us to identify with the characters' behaviors. They create an emotional place where we feel safe, enabling us to apply the ideas that we feel are appropriate to our own lives. Doing so is true personal growth. The story of the Ones and the Zeros is just such a story. The imaginary characters, presented as animated cartoon images, represent different types of people, and the situations they encounter encompass many aspects of real life. The Ones and the Zeros struggle with normal conflicts and the process of resolving them. You might have similar conflicts at times. Whether you think you are a One or feel like you are a Zero, or think you are a Zero and want to feel like a One - or even if at times you are not quite sure - there is a message here for you. More than a hundred questions appear at the end of the story. These are extremely useful for classroom and family interaction and discussion. Readers of all ages are sure to enjoy and learn from this unusual, enjoyable, and educational experience.
  • Rebbe Mendel: Wheels & Deals

    Nathan Sternfeld, David Bichman

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, May 13, 2013)
    Rebbe Mendel does it again with a whole new assortment of stories for readers to relish! The world's favorite teacher is back to entertain you with new inventions, amazing stories of hashgachah pratis, riddles to keep you on your toes, and... good solid fun!Learn how to fly and hopefully, land a carcopter, find out how two striped goldfish and one four-year-old boy save someone s life, and marvel at the amazing Divine providence that spans hundreds of years. Enjoy class with Rebbe Mendel: full of vigor, vim, and values and packed with important lessons you ll appreciate learning.
  • Why Did Hashem Create Me?

    Yechezkel Stelzer

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, June 17, 2019)
    Do you want your child to have a positive outlook? Do you want to nurture your child's sense of self-worth and self-esteem?Why Did Hashem Create Me? teaches every child that they are a precious gift. In our competitive world, many children grow up feeling like they're not good enough. This beautiful book helps kids connect to their own worth and discover how special, good and loveable they are.This book provides clearly and beautifully the most important life lessons we would all want our children to learn and internalize.If you like inspiration, captivating drawings, and empowering your child's personal growth, then you and your family will love Yechezkel Stelzer's picture book.Stelzer's unique, inspirational and sweet book is a must-read.Buy Why Did Hashem Create Me? today to give your child a big dose of love!
  • Three Special Days

    Yaakov Meir Strauss

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, March 10, 2014)
    Young readers are invited to join Naftali and his family to experience a true Pesach celebration at the time of the second Beis HaMikdash. Catch a glimpse of the Sanhedrin in session, walk through the marketplace to buy wine, matzos, and marror, and learn the laws of the offerings brought in the temple, and more. This fascinating book is packed full of information, imparted in a way that young readers will appreciate and grasp. Includes maps, diagrams, and charming illustrations.
  • In the Foosteps of our Sages - Gedolei Yisroel Live More Lessons of PIRKEI AVOS

    Avraham Ochayon

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, Feb. 6, 2017)
    The lessons of Pirkei Avos are matchless and eternal. In their great wisdom, Chazal concentrated their crystal clear guidance for life into a few succinct and memorable words. These words have an ageless ability to penetrate our hearts and the hearts of our impressionable young children.In this volume, selected teachings from Pirkei Avos are cited alongside riveting tales of gedolei haTorah that bring our Sages' lessons to life. Each story was carefully chosen to suit a particular Mishnah and retold in a child friendly fashion, so you and your children together can embark on a profound journey in the footsteps of our Sages.
  • Rebbe Mendel: Figure It Out! - Stories That Just Cant Be!

    Nathan Sternfeld

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, Oct. 10, 2016)
    Rebbe Mendel's stories have always been fantastic and unreal - but now they're truly impossible!Here are stories and drawings with "mistakes" and "inaccuracies" that make for challenging fun. Try to see if you can find out what's wrong. You can't? Don't worry, there's a trail of helpful hints to light the way, and solutions in the back.So put on your thinking cap and be on the lookout for Rebbe Mendel's trademark humor, mystery, and values. Go ahead, jump right in and Figure it Out!
  • Rebbe Mendel 10: GroundScrapers: The Story Below

    Nathan Sternfeld

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, Nov. 16, 2017)
    It's another Rebbe Mendel adventure, that's what! Dig in and get the scoop on the renovations, interrogations, investigations, and infiltrations - from the Ramat Gan police to Alfred Grossgelt's strange investment in the Underground Neighborhoods Project.What does the manager of the Float-Fly Hotel in Teveria have to do with Fritz Lutz from Austria? Why everyone is terrified of lawyer Klapholtz's pyramid scheme? And how does all this lead to an explosive finish? Full of lessons and values, Groundscrapers gives you the hole lowdown on the latest hilarious escapade of Rebbe Mendel!
  • Let's Say Amen!

    Tamar Ansh, Tova Katz

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, Sept. 25, 2006)
    If you loved Just One Word -- why not share the message with your children and grandchildren? Welcome the "Amen Initiative" into your homes and your children's schools with Let's Say Amen! Geared towards 4 - 10 year olds, and graced with Tova Katz's charming and lively illustrations, Let's Say Amen! is guaranteed to entertain, educate, and inspire. With stories explaining the importance of Amen, the Kedusha of Kaddish, as well as stories about the power of the berachos of 'Borei Nefashos Rabbos' and 'Asher Yatzar'. The concept of Berachos Parties is also introduced, accompanied by several true stories illustrating the impact and effect such parties have had on many difficult situations. Also included are a number of halachos are presented clearly, as well as tips for making berachos properly. Let's Say Amen! is a comprehensive guide for integrating this extraordinary idea into your children's lives -- join the Amen Revolution today!

    Tzipora Wolman

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, April 20, 2018)
    What Do Peyos Do? Can they wash a dish, Or swish like a fish? Look like a clown, Or hang upside down? Enter the mind of a three-year-old boy as he delights in the fantasies of his own imagination and ponders the question: What Do Peyos Do? With engaging rhymes and beautiful illustrations, this heartwarming book entertains as it shares a child's excitement in his first steps toward Jewish maturity.
  • All For You, My Dear Child: A Ziggawat Tale of Hashem's Love through the Seven Days of Creation

    Ahuva Weinberger

    Hardcover (Feldheim Publishers, Sept. 3, 2018)
    This book is designed to help readers feel the love that comes with each gift of creation. It is a touching story of loving parents preparing for the arrival of their child. Meant as a parable, it teaches the seven days of creation in an endearing way, so that even young children can relate. The beautiful ending will be appreciated by young and old alike. A special activity sheet is included inside to help parents and teachers personalize the book's message for their children - and for themselves!