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Books published by publisher Christian Audio

  • What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage

    Paul Tripp, Lloyd James,

    Audible Audiobook (, July 2, 2010)
    Marriage, according to Scripture, will always involve two flawed people living with each other in a fallen world. Yet, in pastor Paul Tripp's professional experience, the majority of couples enter marriage with unrealistic expectations, leaving them unprepared for the day-to-day realities of married life. This unique book introduces a biblical and practical approach to those realities that is rooted in God's faithfulness and Scripture's teaching on sin and grace. "Spouses need to be reconciled to each other and to God on a daily basis," Tripp declares. "Since we're always sinners married to sinners, reconciliation isn't just the right response in moments of failure. It must be the lifestyle of any healthy marriage." What Did You Expect? presents six practical commitments that give shape and momentum to such a lifestyle. These commitments, which include honestly facing sin, weakness, and failure; willingness to change; and embodying Christ's love, will equip couples to develop a thriving, grace-based marriage in all circumstances and seasons of their relationship.
  • When I Don't Desire God: How to Fight for Joy

    John Piper, David Cochran Heath,

    Audible Audiobook (, Feb. 16, 2009)
    What do you do when you discover that you're not satisfied in God the way he wants you to be? Joy is more than an afterthought of the Christian life; it is the sustaining fruit of a relationship with God. With a radical passion for Christ's glory, John Piper helps you find the joy God wants you to have.
  • Gospel Fluency: Speaking the Truths of Jesus into the Everyday Stuff of Life

    Jeff Vanderstelt,

    Audible Audiobook (, Feb. 28, 2017)
    At the core of Christianity is belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But how should the Gospel affect our lives after we believe? And how can we speak Gospel truths into everyday issues of life? In this book, experienced pastor and speaker Jeff Vanderstelt shows how all people - Christians and non-Christians alike - need to hear the Gospel on a regular basis. Teaching believers what it looks like to become truly "fluent" in the Gospel so that it becomes a natural part of our everyday conversations, Vanderstelt shows how the good news of Jesus is our only hope for every aspect of our lives.
  • Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament

    Mark Vroegop, Joni Tada - Foreword, Bob Souer,

    Audible Audiobook (, May 21, 2019)
    Lament is how you live between the poles of a hard life and trusting God's goodness. Lament is how we bring our sorrow to God - but it is a neglected dimension of the Christian life for many Christians today. We need to recover the practice of honest spiritual struggle that gives us permission to vocalize our pain and wrestle with our sorrow. Lament avoids trite answers and quick solutions, progressively moving us toward deeper worship and trust. Exploring how the Bible - through the psalms of lament and the book of Lamentations - gives voice to our pain, this book invites us to grieve, struggle, and tap into the rich reservoir of grace and mercy God offers in the darkest moments of our lives.
  • Jayber Crow

    Wendell Berry, Paul Michael,

    Audible Audiobook (, Feb. 12, 2009)
    From the simple setting of his own barber shop, Jayber Crow, orphan, seminarian, and native of Port William, recalls his life and the life of his community as it spends itself in the middle of the 20th century. Surrounded by his friends and neighbors, he is both participant and witness as the community attempts to transcend its own decline. And meanwhile Jayber learns the art of devotion and that a faithful love is its own reward.
  • North! Or Be Eaten!

    Andrew Peterson, Peter Sandon,

    Audible Audiobook (, May 20, 2015)
    Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby thought they were normal children with normal lives and a normal past. But now they know they're really the Lost Jewels of Anniera, heirs to a legendary kingdom across the sea, and suddenly everyone wants to kill them. In order to survive, the Igibys must flee to the safety of the Ice Prairies, where the lizardlike Fangs of Dang cannot follow. First, however, they have to escape the monsters of Glipwood Forest: the thieving Stranders of the East Bend; and the dreaded Fork Factory. But even more dangerous are the jealousies and bitterness that threaten to tear them apart, and Janner and his siblings must learn the hard way that the love of a family is more important than anything else.
  • The Monster in the Hollows

    Andrew Peterson,

    Audiobook (, April 28, 2015)
    Janner Wingfeather's father was the High King of Anniera. But his father is gone. The kingdom has fallen. The royal family is on the run, and the Fang armies of Gnag the Nameless are close behind. Janner and his family hope to find refuge in the last safe place in the world: the Green Hollows - a land of warriors feared even by Fangs of Dang. But there's a big problem. Janner's little brother - heir to the throne of Anniera - has grown a tail. And gray fur. Not to mention two pointed ears and long, dangerous fangs. To the suspicious folk of the Green Hollows, he looks like a monster. But Janner knows better. His brother isn't as scary as he looks. He's perfectly harmless. Or is he? Join the Wingfeathers on an adventure filled with mystery, betrayal, and sneakery in a land of tasty fruits. There's a monster on the loose, and the truth lurks in the shadows.
  • In His Image: 10 Ways God Calls Us to Reflect His Character

    Jen Wilkin,

    Audible Audiobook (, May 31, 2018)
    After first teaching women to go deeper in their study of the Bible in Women of the Word, and then unpacking why our limits are a good thing in light of God's limitlessness in None Like Him, best-selling author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin helps readers see what God's will is for his people: that they reflect the image of their creator. In His Image explores 10 attributes of God that Christians are called to reflect - they are to be holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise. This audiobook allows readers to discover freedom and purpose in becoming all that God made them to be.
  • Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success: Building Blocks for a Better Life

    Sean Runnette, John Wooden, Jay Carty,

    Audible Audiobook (, Sept. 7, 2010)
    Legendary college basketball coach John Wooden and Jay Carty know that when it comes down to it, success is an equal opportunity player. Anyone can create it in his or her career, family and beyond. Based on John Wooden's own method to victory, Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success reveals that success is built block by block, where each block is a crucial principle contributing to life-long achievement in every area of life. Each of these 32 daily readings takes an in-depth look at a single block of the pyramid, which when combined with the other blocks forms the structure of the pyramid of success. Join John Wooden and Jay Carty to discover the building blocks and key values - from confidence to faith - that have brought Coach to the pinnacle of success as a leader, a teacher, and a follower of God.
  • Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer

    J. Oswald Sanders, Grover Gardner,

    Audible Audiobook (, Jan. 6, 2009)
    Spiritual Leadership has proven itself a timeless classic in teaching the principles of leadership. J.Oswald Sanders presents and illustrates those principles through biographies of eminent men of God - men such as Moses, Nehemiah, Paul, David Livingstone, and Charles Spurgeon.
  • Twelve Ordinary Men: How the Master Shaped His Disciples, and What He Wants to Do with You

    John MacArthur, Lloyd James,

    Audible Audiobook (, Feb. 16, 2009)
    Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God's work. Look no further than the 12 disciples whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Jesus chose ordinary men - fisherman, tax collectors, political zealots - and turned their weakness into strength, producing greatness from utter uselessness. MacArthur draws principles from Christ's careful, hands-on training of the original 12 disciples for today's modern disciple - you.
  • The God-Shaped Brain: How Changing Your View of God Transforms Your Life

    Timothy R. Jennings, Sean Runnette,

    Audible Audiobook (, Jan. 3, 2014)
    Brain research has found that our thoughts and beliefs affect our physical, mental and spiritual health. Mind and body are interrelated, and we are designed for healthy relationships of love and trust. When we understand God as good and loving, we flourish. Unfortunately, many of us have distorted images of God and mostly think of him in fearful, punitive ways. This leads us into unhealthy patterns of self-defeating behaviors and toxic relationships. But our lives can change when God renews our minds with a truer picture of him. Psychiatrist Tim Jennings unveils how our brains and bodies thrive when we have a healthy understanding of who God is. He dispels common misconceptions about God and shows how different God concepts affect the brain differently. Our brains can adapt, change and rewire with redeemed thinking that frees us from unnecessary pain and suffering. Discover how science and Scripture come together to bring healing and transformation to our lives.