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Books published by publisher Child1st Publications LLC

  • The Middle Ages: A Captivating Guide to the History of Europe, Starting from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire Through the Black Death to the Beginning of the Renaissance

    Captivating History

    Hardcover (Ch Publications, Oct. 17, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Middle Ages, then keep reading...One of the least understood periods of European history occurred between the 6th century and the 14th or 15th century (depending on which historian you ask). Commonly called the Middle Ages, this was a time period of extreme change for Europe, beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. To a continent that had seen a drastic shift in the power structure, the world seemed to be particularly harsh. Rome had been a major player across Europe for well over a millennium. Then it was gone.This is also a time period that still inspires art, literature, and philosophy today. There were men who lived during the Middle Ages who are still quoted and revered today, such as Saint Thomas Aquinas. They were almost always men of the cloth (religious men), but not always. People still enjoy the works of Geoffrey Chaucer, a famous writer who was also a merchant. The architecture of this time has also been used and reused for many centuries as well. The cathedrals and castles built during the Middle Ages still remain while younger structures have long since crumbled. Perhaps the most famous architecture from the time though is known as the Gothic style. The look and feel of the Gothic style have inspired many generations, including the Romantics of the 1800s and the horror/mystery genre that is still so popular today. However, it was the birth of universities that reflects the thinking of the time. Prior to the Middle Ages, there was no higher education.Many of the institutions and ideas that the men of the Renaissance would explore began during the Middle Ages. It was a time when Europe healed from the fall of one superpower and transitioned into something that more closely resembled the map of Europe today. It would undergo many more changes in the years following the Middle Ages, but nations began to find their identities without their Roman overlords.In The Middle Ages: A Captivating Guide to the History of Europe, Starting from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire Through the Black Death to the Beginning of the Renaissance, you will discover topics such as: Fall of the Western Roman Empire Stewards of the Future The Rise of the Byzantine Empire Reclaiming Spain and Expanding One of the Strongest and Earliest Kingdoms of the Middle Ages Charlemagne A Brief Return to the Empire Otto I and His New Empire The Great Schism The Famous (or Infamous) Crusades Forging a New England The Hundred Years' War The Horrors of Nature Higher Education and The Gothic Period How the Middle Ages Advanced Education and Architecture The Renaissance And much, much more!
  • Eli Goes Fishing

    Jeanette M Gray, Elizabeth Gray Earl

    Paperback (Child1st Publications LLC, Aug. 30, 2010)
    In Eli Goes Fishing, a young boy is introduced to the art of fishing by his father. He learns how to hook the worm and throw the line, and begins to appreciate the rewards of patience and the joy of a slower rhythm of life.
  • Sarmatians and Scythians: A Captivating Guide to the Barbarians of Iranian Origins and How These Ancient Tribes Fought Against the Roman Empire, Goths, Huns, and Persians

    Captivating History

    Paperback (CH Publications, July 21, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Sarmatians and Scythians, then keep reading...Masters of the horse, the Scythians and Sarmatians opened the Eurasian Steppe to nomadic civilizations like it had never seen before. For the first time, a group of tribes sharing a common culture called the Steppe their home, adapting themselves to its harshness. Born out of this environment, a very particular way to live was adopted and later spread to peoples of Central Asia—the pastoral nomadic lifestyle. It would be the bane of organized armies of great empires, as the excellent mobility granted by their superior horse-riding skills were no match compared to the slow, organized infantry.The tale of the Scythians and Sarmatians have lasted through history, and although they had not one written historical record of their own, their presence was registered by dozens of classical historians. More importantly, though, their precious burial tombs still retained some of the civilizational remains of this extraordinary group of peoples.In Sarmatians and Scythians: A Captivating Guide to the Barbarians of Iranian Origins and How These Ancient Tribes Fought Against the Roman Empire, Goths, Huns, and Persians, you will discover topics such asOrigins of the Scythians and SarmatiansArt, Culture, and ReligionEconomy and SocietyWarfare and ConquestEnd of the Scythians and SarmatiansAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Sarmatians and Scythians, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • US Naval Special Warfare / US Navy SEALs

    Greg E. Mathieson Sr.; Dave Gatley

    Imitation Leather (NSW Publications, LLC, March 15, 2013)
    A first of its kind photo history book on all of U.S. Navy SEALs / Naval Special Warfare. From the CIA forefathers, the OSS Maritime Units, through to the Raiders and Underwater Demolition Units and into the development and birth of the SEALs to the present day SWCC units and more. With an opening tribute by U.S. President George W. Bush, who utilized their skills to track down terrorists after the attack on 9-11. No publication has ever before has gone inside to show the men and women that support the US Navy SEALs and the SEALs themselves in all aspects of their work, training, missions and sacrifices to our country as they go about it quietly, secretly each and every day around the world. This is not another book on BUDS (Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL), but like nothing ever done in history and likely to never be repeated. Because of unparalleled access given the authors and photographers, this book has insights behind the scenes of the support personnel, unique training, underwater vehicles, operations in Iraq /Afghanistan, unique weapons developed just for the SEALs as well as into the future of NSW. So total and complete was the access, the book reveals for the first time the now declassified SECRET documents of the establishment of the SEALs but rest assured this book was screened for security by the US Navy and others. It depicts everything from early powered canoes to hydrofoils to the first mini subs as well as the specialized weapons from underwater guns to underwater atomic bombs and much more. Some 931 unique, and many exclusive photographs taken around the world by photographers Greg Mathieson, Sr. and Dave Gatley. From the morning attack on the Pentagon on 9-11, to freezing mountain training in Alaska, to the basement White House Situation Room, to the ocean deaths, these two photographers were given unprecedented access for over 5 full and exciting years to go past the restricted, no camera signs, to go deep into war zones to see it all.
  • American Indian Wars: A Captivating Guide to a Series of Conflicts That Occurred in North America and How They Impacted Native American Tribes, Including Events Such as the Sand Creek Massacre

    Captivating History

    Hardcover (Ch Publications, Dec. 2, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of the American Indian Wars, then keep reading...Today, the United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. Comprised of fifty states, this huge nation is filled with diverse topography, as well as a variety of flora and fauna. Not only that, but the USA is also home to a huge population with diverse ethnic backgrounds, including Hispanic, African American, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Polish, and many more.A vast number of the white population are the descendants of the European colonists and settlers who ultimately conquered the land, dominating the Native Americans who were the original inhabitants of the land.This was very similar to the way the British conquered the Indian subcontinent, except for the fact the British conquerors didn't make the Indian subcontinent their permanent home while the early American colonists shed sweat and blood to make the untamed American wilderness their new homeland.But, in order to do so, the Americans waged wars against the Native Americans who had roamed the lands for thousands of years, driving them away from their homes in a brutal and horrific manner. Part of the blame lay on the Native Americans as well since their retaliation on the newcomers trespassing their lands were often brutal and horrific.In American Indian Wars: A Captivating Guide to a Series of Conflicts That Occurred in North America and How They Impacted Native American Tribes, Including Events Such as the Sand Creek Massacre, you will discover topics such as The Foreign Colonization of America The American-Indian Wars During the Colonial Period (1609-1774) Beginning of the American Indian Wars in the East of the Mississippi: The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) American-Indian Wars East of the Mississippi after the American Revolutionary War Part 1: The Northwest Indian War American-Indian Wars East of the Mississippi after the American Revolutionary War Part 2: The Cherokee-American Wars American Indian Wars in the West of the Mississippi Conflicts Part 1: Tecumseh, the Creek War, the War of 1812, and Other Conflicts American Indian Wars in the West of the Mississippi Conflicts Part 2: Wars in the Pacific Northwest, Southwest, California, the Great Basin, and the Great Plains And much, much more! So if you want to learn more about the American Indian Wars, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • Eli's Summer Day

    Jeanette M Gray, Elizabeth Gray Earl

    Paperback (Child1st Publications LLC, Dec. 16, 2010)
    Gray, Jeanette M
  • Eli's Winter Day

    Jeanette Gray, Elizabeth Gray Earl

    Paperback (Child1st Publications LLC, May 12, 2010)
    Eli's Winter Day shows a young boy experiencing winter for the first time, all senses engaged. He helps his grandpa feed the birds, plays in the snow with his family, and warms up with hot chocolate before ending the day with an evening walk by the river.
  • The Salem Witch Hunt: A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and Trials of People Accused of Witchcraft in Colonial Massachusetts

    Captivating History

    Hardcover (Ch Publications, Dec. 2, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Salem Witch Hunt, then keep reading...Decades after witch-hunting had begun to die down in Europe, North America was about to witness its bloodiest witch hunt in history. The Massachusetts of 1692 was a very different one to the state we know today. Populated by colonists, many of them a generation or less from life in an England bathed in religious turmoil, Massachusetts was not the safe haven that the fleeing Puritans had hoped it would be. Persecuted for their faith in Europe, the Puritans had pictured a kind of utopia founded on biblical principles. They saw the New World as a new beginning, a kind of second chance for humanity. It would be only 72 years after the arrival of the Mayflower that the events in Salem would make it blatantly obvious that humanity had already blown it again. This is not the story of the trials. This is the story of its people. This is not an attempt to explain the events of 1692. It is an attempt to bring to life the victims who died so unjustly. In this book, we will walk side by side with the destitute Sarah Good as she realizes that after having lost all she owns, her reputation, her baby, and even her life will still be taken from her. We stand at the bar with Rebecca Nurse, a sweet little old lady who is sentenced to hang for what she must have perceived to be the most heinous of crimes. We witness George Burroughs at the gallows, a former minister now condemned to die for his supposed alliance with Satan, as he delivers a speech so stirring that it takes quick thinking from his enemies to prevent the crowd from rushing forth to cut him down. We feel our own breaths catching as we watch the cruel and greedy Sheriff George Corwin piling rocks onto the fragile eighty-year-old body of Giles Corey, who is determined to die without entering a plea so that his sons will still get the inheritance he promised them. We will walk through this history in the footprints of those who suffered the hardest in it. The Salem witch hunt and trials killed many and ruined the lives of countless others. And this is their story. In The Salem Witch Hunt: A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and Trials of People Accused of Witchcraft in Colonial Massachusetts, you will discover topics such as Witches in Europe Salem Strange Afflictions The Affliction of Elizabeth Hubbard The Confession of Tituba Fuel on the Fire The Madness Intensifies The Reverend in League with the Devil The First Casualty Hanging A Bid for Mercy The Reverend Hangs Crushed Eight Innocent Firebrands Glimmers of Sense Not Guilty The Last Casualty Life After the Trials The Second Salem Remembering Salem And much, much more! So if you want to learn more about the Salem Witch Hunt, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • Eli's Cross Day

    Jeanette Gray, Elizabeth Gray Earl

    Paperback (Child1st Publications LLC, May 12, 2010)
    Eli's Cross Day shows the progression of a young child from irritability and disobedience to cheerfulness through the calm and consistent guidance of his parents. Because they also give him time and space in which to think, the child begins to learn the all-important skill of self-regulation.
  • Genghis Khan: A Captivating Guide to the Founder of the Mongol Empire and His Conquests Which Resulted in the Largest Contiguous Empire in History

    Captivating History

    Hardcover (Ch Publications, Dec. 2, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating life of Genghis Khan, then keep reading...Around the year 1162, near the modern capital of Mongolia, a baby boy was born into a fractious and violent world. The birth of this child must have caused quite a stir among the members of the nomadic tribe that he had been born into; word soon traveled that the son of Yesügei, the Borjigin tribal leader, had been born clutching a blood clot in his tiny hand.Mongol folklore hailed this as a sign that the child would grow up to be a great leader of men, but perhaps history would interpret the baby's gruesome prize as a foreshadowing of the bloodshed that would accompany his life and his legacy.The story of Temüjin, and Genghis Khan as he would later be known, is a story about stories. We have few original sources to tell us about his life, and the sources we do have are often contradictory or untrustworthy, so historians have had to piece together the story of Genghis Khan and fill in the blanks.What you will discover in this book is a combination of historical fact, expert conjecture, and myths and legends, filtered through the changing eyes of history and retold through many generations. There are many things we simply do not know about the enigmatic figure of Genghis Khan. There are many things that we think we know that may ultimately prove to be untrue. What is important is the story. Just as the young Temüjin must have sat around a campfire to be regaled by stories of his ancestral wolf heritage, we now sit around this virtual campfire to share the story of Genghis Khan.In Genghis Khan: A Captivating Guide to the Founder of the Mongol Empire and His Conquests Which Resulted in the Largest Contiguous Empire in History, you will discover topics such as The Mongolian Steppe Temüjin Becoming Genghis Khan Building the Mongol Empire Life in Genghis Khan's Empire Military Genius Innovation Death and Succession The Mongol Empire After Genghis Khan Pax Mongolica The End of an Empire And much, much more! So if you want to learn more about Genghis Khan, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • The Mongol Conquests: A Captivating Guide to the Invasions and Conquests Initiated by Genghis Khan That Created the Vast Mongol Empire

    Captivating History

    Hardcover (Ch Publications, Dec. 2, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Mongol Conquests, then keep reading...The Mongols were also known to be both merciful as well as tolerant. Moreover, their conquests weren't aimed against civilized life; in fact, they helped connect numerous cultures and facilitated the spread of ideas and knowledge across the continent. Of course, the Mongols themselves were not uncultured brutes, as they had their own civilization, society, and traditions. With all that being said, this does not mean they were innocent for all the destruction they caused. Instead, it is implied that the Mongols weren't like fire, causing annihilation wherever they passed. They were more like water, capable of causing floods and carving mountains while at the same time creating fertile soil and giving life.Like many other topics in history, the Mongol story has more than one side, and this book will try to present as many as possible. It will explore both the bloody history of Genghis Khan and his conquests while showing that he and his fellow Mongols were capable of much more than that. Diving deep inside their culture and society, we'll cast off their barbaric image. They will be exposed for what they actually were, mere humans like any other on this Earth. Hopefully, by the end of this guide of the Mongol conquests, you will get a better understanding of not only the history of the Mongols but of all of humankind as well.In The Mongol Conquests: A Captivating Guide to the Invasions and Conquests Initiated by Genghis Khan That Created the Vast Mongol Empire, you will discover topics such as Origin of the Mongols Rise of Genghis Khan and the Unification of the Steppes The Mongol Conquest of the East Genghis Khan's Revenge Death and Succession of the Great Khan From Unity to Division - Genghis' Heirs The Last of the Great Khans The Mongol War Machine Mongol State, Society, and Culture And much, much more! So if you want to learn more about the Mongol Conquests, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: A Captivating Guide to the Battle of Wounded Knee and Its Impact on the Native Americans after the Final Clash between Federal Troops and the Sioux

    Captivating History

    Hardcover (Ch Publications, Dec. 2, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Wounded Knee Massacre, then keep reading...The Wounded Knee Massacre is often glossed over in textbooks, talking about the event in a generalized manner. But such a generalized representation undermines the real impact and significance of the events that happened on that fateful day, making it one of the most tragic events in Native American history.To establish the facts of what occurred, most of the details taken into account in this book while analyzing and discussing the events of the Wounded Knee Massacre are taken from the records of the American participants of the war, as well as from military records of the investigation into what happened and the subsequent trial of one of the participants of the massacre. In this book, we aim to provide the reader with a more in-depth look at the factors and major players that played a role in the Wounded Knee Massacre, as well as the significance of its aftermath.In The Wounded Knee Massacre: A Captivating Guide to the Battle of Wounded Knee and Its Impact on the Native Americans after the Final Clash between Federal Troops and the Sioux, you will discover topics such as A Short Introduction of the Lakota Tribe and the Ghost Dance Movement A Brief Overview of the Relationship between the US Government and the Native American Population of America A Brief Overview of the Key Players of the Wounded Knee Massacre Prelude to the Wounded Knee Massacre The Wounded Knee Massacre and the Truth behind the Events The Military Investigation of the Wounded Knee Massacre and the Medal of Honor Debacle And much, much more! So if you want to learn more about the Wounded Knee Massacre, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!