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Books published by publisher Aris Austin

  • Acilon - The Wizard

    M. Bilguun

    Paperback (Austin, )
  • Change Your Name and Disappear

    Rosie Malezer

    Paperback (Austin, )
  • The Swans of Spindrift Lake

    Lynette Dunn

    Paperback (Austin, )
  • Doorways Into Dying: Innovative Teachings For End Of Life

    Kay Ryan, Ingrid Rose

    Hardcover (Austin, )
  • Bookmark Bear

    Sarah Slater

    Hardcover (Austin, )
  • Christmas at Number 61

    Ruby Molly Hawkins

    Hardcover (Austin, )
    Come and meet the Hawkins family... There's Harry, 8 years old, the eldest of the children who does the smelliest of farts. Then there's Ben, 6, who likes to mend things by taking them apart, then has trouble putting them back together. What about Ruby, 5, the only girl in the family who just talks, talks, talks and TALKS. The baby of the bunch is Jonny, 3, who lives for his trains: Choo! Choo! And not forgetting Dad, who single-handedly brings up the children, ensuring they look out for one another as their individual personalities and characters grow within each story. The Hawkins children are excited to go to their nanny and grandad's house for Christmas. In fact, Ruby is so excited that she goes right past their red front door at number 61! But once the children, and Dad, have tumbled through the front door and into the house they notice something shocking... Nanny and Grandad have no Christmas tree! They have no decorations at all! And so the children get to work, determined to bring Christmas to number 61 before Santa comes to town.
  • That's It

    Brian Thomas

    Hardcover (Austin, )
    When the boy takes on his first job, he does it simply for the pocket money. With early starts and difficult employers to contend with, life as a paper boy is not as simple as it seems. However, without realising it, he has taken his first step towards adulthood. Leaving his newspaper deliveries behind, he embarks on a series of very different professions. He experiences the ups and downs of working life and encounters a variety of people along the way. Although reasonably successful in his endeavours, he fails to find true fulfilment until he begins teaching. As he rises to greater positions of power, he begins to wonder if, finally, that's it ...
  • The Ghost at Birkbeck Station and Other Terse Verse

    Janet Ambrose

    Hardcover (Austin, )
    In The Ghost at Birbeck Station Janet Ambrose offers a collection of poems formed by her early years in WWII, her life in politics and her life with dogs (amongst other things). The poetry views the world through a humorous lens, even the eponymous poem which relates an unnerving tale of contact with a โ€˜ghost' offers comic relief through a trick of light. There are doodlebugs and leaky dogs and run-ins with local authority. And there is an analysis of the Thatcher years from the perspective of one who was not too enamoured by the social contribution of the Iron Lady.
  • Current Sentiment

    Lenny Shirin

    Paperback (Austin, )
  • After Our Heart Attacks

    Bill Taylor

    Paperback (Austin, )
  • Fighting Spirit

    Nicolas Goldmeier

    Hardcover (Austin, )
  • My Friend Fritz

    Ramesh Batra

    Hardcover (Austin, )