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Books published by publisher Abbey Press

  • The Romanovs' Murder Case: The Myth of the Basement Room Massacre

    T G Bolen

    Paperback (Abbott Press, June 28, 2018)
    Every fairy tale contains the story of a prince, and once the prince meets his princess, they often live happily ever after. But for Nicholas II, tsar of all the Russias, and his wife, Princess Alexandra of Hesse, the ending would be different. At age fifty, brutally murdered by his subjects, Nicholass body was mutilated and thrown into an unmarked mass grave with eight other people in a swampy bog in the middle of a remote forest. The Romanovs Murder Case takes a detailed look at the infamous mass murder of this Russian imperial family, stripped of its claim to the throne before being executed in 1918 following the February Revolution. Author T. G. Bolen investigates the evidence from the site of the murders, the Ipatiev House, ultimately refuting investigator Nicholas Sokolovs report that locates the murders in the homes basement. Bolen also provides, for the first time, details of the United States intelligence officer, Homer Slaughter, who was in the Ipatiev House within twenty-four hours of the murders. This study shows that the Romanov murders may very well have occurred in different rooms in the house, and that there was no eleven-person massacre. And although this story will never end happily ever after, revealing new evidence to refute the prevailing story will shed new light on the truth.
  • How to Be a Friend: A Book about Friendship

    Molly Wigand, Anne Fitzgerald

    Paperback (Abbey Press, May 4, 2012)
    Those long summer days and weekends spent with our best friends can be among the happiest memories of childhood. But the art of making friends isn't a skill that is taught in most schools. Teaching children how to be good friends and cultivate healthy friendships is the work of parents, teachers, coaches, ministers, and caring adults. In How To Be A Friend: A Book About Friendship ... Just for Me!, author, Molly Wigand, introduces children to those values that make for good friendships-loyalty, trust, and honesty-and to how they can become a good friend to others.
  • Worry, Worry, Go Away!: A Kid's Book about Worry and Anxiety

    Christine A Adams, R. W. Alley

    language (Abbey Press, Oct. 21, 2014)
    All kids experience worries. Helping children understand what worry is, where it comes from, and how to challenge it is the first step in overcoming anxieties. The little elves in this book help children to learn to STOP, to THINK TWICE, and to see their worries for what they are. By presenting new ways of evaluating and overcoming the psychological, spiritual, and physical dimensions of fear, this creative book will help your child find the confidence and courage to say “Worry, Worry, Go Away!”
  • When Your Pet Dies: A Healing Handbook for Kids

    Victoria Ryan, R. W. Alley

    language (Abbey Press, Oct. 28, 2014)
    A child will never forget a beloved pet, or the day it died. And the sadness that follows is true grief. This little elfin guide to good grief validates your child’s sadness—the necessary first step for healing. It acknowledges feelings that are new, confusing, and frightening. And it offers creative ideas for easing the sting of grief and memorializing a lost pet. A touching tribute to the love between a child and pet . . . and a compassionate guide to handling this loss with gentleness and sensitivity.
  • Making Good Choices: A Book about Right and Wrong

    Lisa O Engelhardt, Anne Fitzgerald

    Paperback (Abbey Press, Jan. 1, 2013)
    "Helps children learn from their everyday choices and experiences to give them the skills and perpectives necessary to become compassionate, caring, and responsible adults." -- p. 4 cover.
  • Right and Wrong and Being Strong: A Kid's Guide

    Lisa O Engelhardt, R. W. Alley

    language (Abbey Press, Oct. 21, 2014)
    Kids aren’t born knowing right from wrong. But, somehow, over the years, we hope to help them become caring, responsible, respectful adults. This practical how-to book for kids is an invaluable tool in guiding children on the journey of moral development. Through concrete language and interactive examples, it addresses such topics as honesty, peer pressure, and how to tell right from wrong. Even more, it shows kids how to go beyond doing right to doing good.
  • What Happens When Someone Dies?: A Child's Guide to Death and Funerals

    Michaelene Mundy, R W Alley

    Paperback (Abbey Press, Oct. 1, 2009)
    Can you recall the first time you attended a funeral? The same questions and concerns you felt will undoubtedly be going through the minds of children you care for when they are first confronted with death and funerals.
  • Great Managers Are Always Nice: Including Model Conversations

    Chip Averwater

    eBook (ABB Press, April 16, 2018)
    You don’t have to be a hard-ass to be a good manager. You don’t need threats or discipline to get cooperation. You don’t have to disown your friends to be their manager. You don’t have to be a bully to get results.You can get better results by being the nice person you are. Your employees will work harder, enjoy their work more, stay at their jobs longer, appreciate your management style, and respect your leadership.In this book you’ll watch as an extraordinarily effective and amazingly nice manager, Mike Mitchell, handles all the challenging management situations. You’ll follow Mike as he...creates a motivating environment (ch 7)makes his daily rounds (ch 8)conducts a team meeting (ch 9)delegates responsibilities (ch 10)coaches improvements (ch 11)corrects inappropriate behaviors (ch 12)counsels underperformance (ch 13)resolves disputes (ch 15)conducts performance reviews (ch 16)fires inappropriate team members (ch 17)helps his people advance (ch 18)Mike deals with even the most troublesome management situations so smoothly you’ll say, “Why don’t I do it like that?!” And he gets legendary results—not by being a hard-driving taskmaster, but by being nice. Do as Mike does and you’ll be a legendary nice manager too."An amazingly simple and effective manual on how to manage with style, confidence, and grace. Follow the examples here—copy the conversations if you like—and you'll manage like a seasoned pro. Tough management situations are no longer challenging—they're fun."
  • Bye-Bye, Bully: A Kid's Guide for Dealing with Bullies

    J S Jackson, R W Alley

    Paperback (Abbey Press, Jan. 1, 2003)
    This helpful handbook delves into the who, what, and why's of bullying and, most importantly, the how's of thwarting bullies. Kids will learn nonviolent ways to assert and protect themselves-and when to ask for adult help.
  • God Is My Friend: A Kid's Guide to God

    Lisa O Engelhardt, R. W. Alley

    language (Abbey Press, Oct. 21, 2014)
    Everyone needs a best friend—someone who knows you and loves you just the way you are. Someone who hugs you when you’re sad and celebrates when you’re happy. Best friends like to spend time with each other. Best friends stay in touch and help each other out. This book introduces children to their very own Best Friend-God. Through childlike images and charming illustrations, it helps young believers to come to know God as an everyday, everywhere, anytime kind of Friend. A down-to-earth primer for children (and adults too!) on God.
  • When Your Pet Dies...: A Healing Handbook for Kids

    Victoria Ryan, R. W. Alley

    Paperback (Abbey Press, Dec. 1, 2003)
    Elf-help Books for Kids - Addressing the needs of children and the adults who care for them. Softcover; 32 pages. 8" x 8".
  • Auschwitz: Not Long Ago. Not Far Away.

    Robert Jan van Pelt, Luis Ferreiro, Miriam Greenbaum

    Hardcover (Abbeville Press, May 7, 2019)
    This book tells a story to shake the conscience of the world. It is the catalogue of the first-ever traveling exhibition about the Auschwitz concentration camp, where 1.1 million people―mostly Jews, but also non-Jewish Poles, Roma, and others―lost their lives. More than 280 objects and images from the exhibition are illustrated herein. Drawn from the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and other collections around the world, they range from the intimate (such as victims’ family snapshots and personal belongings) to the immense (an actual surviving barrack from the Auschwitz III–Monowitz satellite camp); all are eloquent in their testimony. An authoritative yet accessible text weaves the stories behind these artifacts into an encompassing history of Auschwitz―from a Polish town at the crossroads of Europe, to the dark center of the Holocaust, to a powerful site of remembrance. Auschwitz: Not long ago. Not far away. is an essential volume for everyone who is interested in history and its lessons.