Mr. Pratt's Patients
Joseph C Lincoln
(A L BURT & CO, March 15, 1913)
"IWAS having my fortune told. Sophrony Gott was telling it, with tea leaves. She had drawn off the tea and was shaking the leaves in the bottom of the cup around in circles. After she'd shook for a minute or so she drained off what little tea there was left and then stared solemn at the leaves. I stood by the kitchen window loo,:ng out at the yellow sand strip that they call a road in East Trumet. 'Twas early J une, the new grass was flourishing everywheres, the posies in the yard- peonies and such-in full bloom, the sun was shining, and the water of the bay was blue, with light green streaks where the shoals showed. It was a mighty fine afternoon and, by all that was fitting, I ought to have felt like a yacht just off the ways..."