An elementary treatise on astronomy. In two parts; The first, containing a clear and compendious view of the theory. The second, a number of practical problems
John Gummere
(, May 20, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1822 Excerpt: ...of the expression, that we obtain a near value of /3, if the terms, in which they enter, are omitted. Hence by taking, a Eu x G», E'tt' + GV we obtain a very near approximate value of P. Then, taking n = uP, « = rP, IT = u'P', and «.' = «'P, and again calculating the values of £ and we obtain the correct value of P. 49. If v = the sun's borozontal parallax at the time of the transit, being the mean parallax, and V the radius vector, we have «.' =.y » At the time of a transit, the latitude of Venus is so small that we may consider its sine as equal to its tangent, and its cosine = 1. Hence 35), v. sin. 2 J,o«n T_,and(37), a-sin A v v. sin I V--v wv 50. The transit of 1769 was observed at.Wardhus, a small island on the north coast of Europe, and at Otahcitc in the South Sea, and the duration was found to be longer at the former place, than at the latter, by 23 m. 10 sec. The sun's mean horizontal parallax, determined from the observations, made at those places, is 8".7-From observations made at other places, results a little different were obtained. By taking the mean of the results deduced from the most accurate observations, astronomers have fixed the parallax at 8".6 or 8".7j some adopting one number, and some the other. 51. Taking the sun's parallax 8".7, the earth's mean distance from the sun is 23708 semidiameters of the earth (5 8), or 94.000,000 English miles, nearly. Thence, from the sidereal revolutions of the earth and.Venus, the mean distance of Venus from thesun, found by Kepler's third law (7'30), is 68 millions of miles. From the, observed diameter of Venus, when at a known distance from the earth, its real diameter is easily found. It is about 7600 miles. 62. It is found that Venus re...