King Henry V
William Shakespeare
(Forgotten Books, July 8, 2012)
Ill INTRODUCTION, I. The date of Henry V, is determined by an allusion in the chorus of A ct V. (11. 30-34): Were now the general of our gracious empress, As in good time he may, from I reland coming, Bringing rebellion broached on his sword, How many would the peaceful city quit Towelcome him !T his is doubtless a reference to the fiarl of Essex, who was sent over to I reland in command of a large force against the rebel Earl of Tyrone in March, 1599. As Essex returned, not exactly bringing rebellion broached on his sword, in September of the same year, the passage must have been written between the date of his departure and that of his return. A reference in the Prologue to this wooden O, that is, the Globe Theatre, a large circular or polygonal building, erected in 1599, further points to that year as the date of the plays production. And Meres, who mentions Henry IV, in his Wifs Treasuryy 1598, makes no allusion to Henry K2. The first edition of the play is the Quarto printed by Thomas Creede, for Tho. Millington and John Busby, and published in 1600. The second edition, printed by Thomas Creede, for Thomas Pauier, 1602, is a mere reprint of the first. The third, printed for T. P. 1608, is likewise printed from Quarto i, but differs from it by a frequent rearrangement of the Unes and an occasional alteration or addition of words. These changes, which are, however, of comparatively slight importance, will be marked in the margin of the facsimile of Quarto 3, Unlike many of the Quartos, those of Henry F. have no value as regards correction of the Folio text. Three lines from them (Q. i., II. i. 79, IV. iii. 43, and IV. v. 16) have been received, as Mr Daniel notes, into many modern editions. But it is doubtful whether even these three lines have any real authority. The Quarto text is a little less than half the length of the Folio; it is without the chorus(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)