History of North American pinnipeds; a monograph of the walruses, sea-lions, sea-bears and seals of North America
Joel Asaph Allen
(RareBooksClub.com, July 3, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1880 edition. Excerpt: ...low beaches. The shores of the points and ridges which extend out into the sea are mostly composed of irregular masses of broken rock, washed by the surf and rains, so that no sand accumulates on them except in an occasional crack or gully. These rocky slopes are selected by the breeding Seals as the places for bringing forth their young,, they having a repugnance to occupying the sandy spaces. "The male Fur Seal attains its full growth and strength at the age of six or seven years, when it weighs, at the time of land « See Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. ii, 1870, pp. 89-108. ing, from three hundred and fifty pounds to four hundred; in exceptional cases a weight of four hundred and fifty pounds is attained. The males acquire the power of procreation in the fourth year, and at five years share largely in the duty of reproduction. "The females bring forth young in their fourth year, and then weigh from fifty-five to sixty-five pounds. They continue to increase in size until the sixth year, often attain a weight of ninety pounds, and, in exceptional cases, even one hundred and eight, the general average being eighty pounds. It will be thus seen that the greater strength and weight of the males enable them to control the females, which they do absolutely when on the breeding-places. The young Seals at birth weigh six pounds, and the young males, when they leave the island at the age of four and a half months, weigh thirty-eight pounds, but a large portion of this weight consists of excessive fat, so that when they return to the island the following year, although they have grown longer, they have lost their superabundant fat, and weigh only forty-two pounds. At the age of two years their average weight is sixty-one pounds; at three one...