Headlong Hall
Thomas Love Peacock
(Independently published, June 25, 2020)
THE ambiguous light of a December morning, peeping throughthe windows of the Holyhead mail, dispelled the soft visions ofthe four insides, who had slept, or seemed to sleep, through thefirst seventy miles of the road, with as much comfort as may besupposed consistent with the jolting of the vehicle, and anoccasional admonition to remember the coachman, thunderedthrough the open door, accompanied by the gentle breath ofBoreas, into the ears of the drowsy traveller.A lively remark, that the day was none of the finest, havingelicited a repartee of quite the contrary, the various knottypoints of meteorology, which usually form the exordium of anEnglish conversation, were successively discussed andexhausted; and, the ice being thus broken, the colloquy rambledto other topics, in the course of which it appeared, to the surpriseof every one, that all four, though perfect strangers to each other,were actually bound to the same point, namely, Headlong Hall,the seat of the ancient and honourable family of the Headlongs,of the vale of Llanberris, in Caernarvonshire. This name mayappear at first sight not to be truly Cambrian, like those of theRices, and Prices, and Morgans, and Owens, and Williamses,and Evanses, and Parrys, and Joneses; but, nevertheless, theHeadlongs claim to be not less genuine derivatives from theantique branch of Cadwallader than any of the last namedmultiramified families. They claim, indeed, by one account,superior antiquity to all of them, and even to Cadwallader 3himself, a tradition having been handed down in Headlong Hallfor some few thousand years, that the founder of the family waspreserved in the deluge on the summit of Snowdon, and took thename of Rhaiader, which signifies a waterfall, in consequence ofhis having accompanied the water in its descent or diminution,till he found himself comfortably seated on the rocks ofLlanberris. But, in later days, when commercial bagmen beganto scour the country, the ambiguity of the sound induced hisdescendants to drop the suspicious denomination of Riders, andtranslate the word into English; when, not being well pleasedwith the sound of the thing, they substituted that of the quality,and accordingly adopted the name Headlong, the appropriateepithet of waterfall.