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Other editions of book Japanese Fairy Tales

  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, Jan. 23, 2020)
    This collection of Japanese fairy tales is the outcome of a suggestion made to me indirectly through a friend by Mr. Andrew Lang. They have been translated from the modern version written by Sadanami Sanjin. These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore.AboutOzaki:YeiTheodoraOzakiwasanearly20thcenturytranslatorofJapaneseshort storiesandfairytales.Hertranslationswerefairlyliberalbuthavebeen popular,andwerereprintedseveraltimesafterherdeath.Accordingto“A BiographicalSketch”byMrs.HughFraser,includedintheintroductory materialtoWarriorsofoldJapan,andotherstories,Ozakicamefroman unusualbackground.ShewasthedaughterofBaronOzaki,oneofthefirst JapanesementostudyintheWest,andBathiaCatherineMorrison,daughter ofWilliamMorrison,oneoftheirteachers.Herparentsseparatedafterfive yearsofmarriage,andhermotherretainedcustodyoftheirthreedaughters untiltheybecameteenagers.Atthattime,YeiwassenttoliveinJapanwith herfather,whichsheenjoyed.Latersherefusedanarrangedmarriage,lefther father’shouse,andbecameateacherandsecretarytoearnmoney.Overthe years,shetraveledbackandforthbetweenJapanandEurope,asher employmentandfamilydutiestookher,andlivedinplacesasdiverseasItaly andthedraftyupperfloorofaBuddhisttemple.Allthistime,herletterswere frequentlymisdeliveredtotheunrelatedJapanesepoliticianYukioOzaki,and histoher.In1904,theyfinallymet,andsoonmarried.
  • Japanese fairy tales: With original and illustrations

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, July 19, 2020)
    This is a collection of Japanese fairy tales translated by Yei Theodora Ozaki based on a version written in Japanese by Sadanami Sanjin. According to Ozaki, "These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore." Ozaki freely added to and changed the original stories for color and background.
  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (MVP, July 1, 2019)
    This collection of Japanese fairy tales is the outcome of a suggestion made to me indirectly through a friend by Mr. Andrew Lang. They have been translated from the modern version written by Sadanami Sanjin. These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore.
  • Japanese fairy tales: With original and illustrations

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, July 20, 2020)
    This is a collection of Japanese fairy tales translated by Yei Theodora Ozaki based on a version written in Japanese by Sadanami Sanjin. According to Ozaki, "These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore." Ozaki freely added to and changed the original stories for color and background.
  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, July 20, 2020)
    This collection of Japanese fairy tales is the outcome of a suggestion made to me indirectly through a friend by Mr. Andrew Lang. They have been translated from the modern version written by Sadanami Sanjin. These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore.
  • Japanese fairy tales: With original and illustrations

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, July 20, 2020)
    This is a collection of Japanese fairy tales translated by Yei Theodora Ozaki based on a version written in Japanese by Sadanami Sanjin. According to Ozaki, "These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore." Ozaki freely added to and changed the original stories for color and background.
  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, Aug. 3, 2020)
    This collection of Japanese fairy tales is the outcome of a suggestion made to me indirectly through a friend by Mr. Andrew Lang. They have been translated from the modern version written by Sadanami Sanjin. These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore.
  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, Jan. 8, 2019)
    This collection of Japanese fairy tales is the outcome of a suggestion made to me indirectly through a friend by Mr. Andrew Lang. They have been translated from the modern version written by Sadanami Sanjin. These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore.At all times, among my friends, both young and old, English or American, I have always found eager listeners to the beautiful legends and fairy tales of Japan, and in telling them I have also found that they were still unknown to the vast majority, and this has encouraged me to write them for the children of the West.Y. T. O.
  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, July 30, 2020)
    This collection of Japanese fairy tales is the outcome of a suggestion made to me indirectly through a friend by Mr. Andrew Lang. They have been translated from the modern version written by Sadanami Sanjin. These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore.At all times, among my friends, both young and old, English or American, I have always found eager listeners to the beautiful legends and fairy tales of Japan, and in telling them I have also found that they were still unknown to the vast majority, and this has encouraged me to write them for the children of the West.
  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (BookRix, Jan. 8, 2019)
    Yei Theodora Ozaki was an early 20th-century translator of Japanese short stories and fairy tales. Her translations were fairly liberal but have been popular, and were reprinted several times after her death.According to “A Biographical Sketch” by Mrs. Hugh Fraser, included in the introductory material to Warriors of old Japan, and other stories, Ozaki came from an unusual background. She was the daughter of Baron Ozaki, one of the first Japanese men to study in the West, and Bathia Catherine Morrison, daughter of William Morrison, one of their teachers. Her parents separated after five years of marriage, and her mother retained custody of their three daughters until they became teenagers. At that time, Yei was sent to live in Japan with her father, which she enjoyed. Later she refused an arranged marriage, left her father’s house, and became a teacher and secretary to earn money. Over the years, she traveled back and forth between Japan and Europe, as her employment and family duties took her, and lived in places as diverse as Italy and the drafty upper floor of a Buddhist temple.All this time, her letters were frequently misdelivered to the unrelated Japanese politician Yukio Ozaki, and his to her. In 1904, they finally met, and soon
  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    eBook (Start Classics, Nov. 8, 2013)
    This collection of Japanese fairy tales is the outcome of a suggestion made to me indirectly through a friend by Mr. Andrew Lang. They have been translated from the modern version written by Sadanami Sanjin. These stories are not literal translations, and though the Japanese story and all quaint Japanese expressions have been faithfully preserved, they have been told more with the view to interest young readers of the West than the technical student of folk-lore.
  • Japanese Fairy Tales

    Yei Theodora Ozaki

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 13, 2017)
    22 delightful Japanese fairy tales replete with ogres, goblins, sea monsters, princes and princesses. Compiled by 20th Century Japanese translator, Yei Theodora Ozaki.