Extreme Animals
Steve Parker, Stuart Martin
(Barron's Educational Series, Oct. 1, 2009)
Young readers find out how amazing animals can truly be in this dramatically illustrated volume. It's filled with astonishing facts, dramatic illustrations, and extraordinary photos that explore the Earth's most distant realms, on land, in the air, and beneath the surface of the sea. Boys and girls discover which animals are the fastest, the deadliest, the largest, and the most intelligent. They'll also be fascinated by interactive features that enhance many of the illustrated two-page spreads. . . Paper pockets hold pull-out booklets filled with interesting animal facts A large paper model of the spectacular frilled lizard pops up when its page is opened An enclosed "flick-book" presents the illusion of a running cheetah when its pages are flipped. An extra- large pocket on the book's inside front cover holds a stunning 16 1/4" x 23" animal poster that displays the world's most venomous animals. They range in size from tiny poisonous insects to the deadly giant king cobra. Combining a lively, accessible text with astonishing color photos and illustrations, Extreme Animals educates young readers as it captivates their imaginations. Amazing Facts About Animals: A fly tastes with its feet A cricket hears with its knees The cheetah is the fastest runner, attaining speeds of 70 miles an hour The peregrine falcon is the fastest flier, reaching speeds up to 93 miles an hour The biggest venomous snake is the king cobra, at more than 16 feet