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Books with title Winter Games

  • 100 Games for Winter

    Josep M. Allué

    Hardcover (Sagebrush Education Resources, Aug. 15, 2001)
    "100 Games for Winter" is part of the "Games for All Year" series of books aimed at children's camp and activity directors, elementary school physical education instructors, and parents. Each volume focuses on games that are especially appropriate for one season of the year. Each book presents 100 games, all having easy rules while offering active and wholesome entertainment for children's groups of various age levels. "100 Games for Winter" presents rules for both indoor and outdoor games. The object of each game is described, along with recommendations for players' age level, number of children needed to participate, and the approximate time period needed to play. Also noted are any extra materials needed, such as a ball or balloons or common household items. Games are also listed according to best places to play them: indoors, in a park, a playground, or other location. Orchestrated games are important in the physical and intellectual development of young children, encouraging them to explore, have fun, and interact with others and their surroundings.
  • Winter Games

    Roger Pare Bertrand Gauthier

    Hardcover (Annick Press, Aug. 16, 1991)