The modern gas-engine and the gas-producer
Arvid Michael Levin
(, May 22, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1914 Excerpt: ... one twin engine of the same cylinder dimensions, rated at no B.H.P. The maximum indicated horse-power is, on producer gas, respectively, 70 and 140. Both units are direct connected to directcurrent generators, and run 200 revolutions per minute. The fly-wheels are 8'--6" outside diameter and their mean radius of the rim is 3.9 feet. The weight of the wheel for the twin-engine is 11,500 lbs. Its weight reduced to the mean rad. of the rim 9,900 lbs. The armature wgt. redd. to the "mean rad. of the rim 1,600 lbs. Total wgt. redd. to the mean rad. of the rim 11,500 lbs. The corresponding weight for the single engine is 12,100 lbs. Inserting the various values in formula 106, using, in the case of the twin engine,/= 1.04 and, in the case of the single engine, / = 2.4, and solving for K we obtain: In the case of the twin engine, K = 100, and in the case of the single engine K = 90. The current furnished by these engines produces, under all conditions, a very satisfactory light, both when the engines run singly or in parallel. The values of the coefficient K, from 90 to 120, as quoted in Table XXI, for services such as the above, can, therefore, be considered fully conservative. Example.--The installation of three "Snow" four-cycle double-acting, twin-tandem engines at the Gas and Electric Light Co.,s station in San Francisco, which operate alternatingcurrent generators very successfully in parallel, may be used as an illustration for the computation of heavy wheels. The engines are of the following general specifications: Four double-acting cylinders, 42 X 60. Power, 4,000 rated B.H.P., or 5,400 maximum I.H.P. The fly-wheel, 23 feet outside diameter; mean radius 11 feet. Its weight, 97,000 pounds, and it makes 88 revolutions per minute. The g...