Bottlenose Dophin
Kathleen Zoehfeld, Steven James Petruccio
(Palm Kids, May 15, 2012)
Share important milestones with a small Bottlenose Dolphin on his first day of life!Read and Discover books are perfect introductions to animals and to reading. With large print, clear chapter headings, bold faced glossary words and gorgeous illustrations that relate directly to the text, these guided reading level books are just right for beginning readers. All books meet Common Core Standards for Language Arts and Science and are reviewed by Smithsonian Institution experts. Many books also include activities for teachers and parents, and every book includes an easy-to-download Free bonus e-book. Soundprints, in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, presents an exciting series of age-tested, early-reading chapter books. Companion soft toys are available for select titles to enhance the interactive learning experience. Other titles in this series include "Fur Seal Grows Up", "Gray Wolf Pup's Adventure", "Grizzly Bear Cub's First Catch", "Panda Cub in the Bamboo Forest", "Polar Bear Cub and Mommy", "Prickly Porcupine", "Welcome Back, Puffin".