The Short-Stop
Zane Grey
(, Sept. 12, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1909 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER IX ON THE ROAD AT six o'clock on the twelfth of June **. the Findlay base-ball club, fifteen strong, was assembled at the railroad station to begin a two weeks' trip on the road. Having taken three games from Columbus, and being now but a few points behind that team, they were an exceedingly lively company of young men. They were so exuberant with joy that they made life a burden for everybody, particularly for Mac. The little manager had trouble enough at home, but it was on the road that he got his gray hairs. "Shure, Cas, you ain't after takin' thet dog again?" asked Mac. Castorious had a vicious-looking beast, all head and jaws, under his arm. "Dog!" roared Cas, insulted. "This's a blooded bull-terrier pup. Course I 'm going to take him. We can't win the pennant without Algy." "Algy? Is thet his name?" burst out Mac, who had already exhausted his patience. "Thet 's a fine name for a mongrel brute. He 's uglier than a mud fence." As Mac concluded, a rat ran across the platform. Algy saw it, and with a howl wriggled out of his master's arms and gave chase. The platform was crowded with people, of whom ladies made up the greater part. Algy chased the rat from under the trucks and between the trunks right into the crowd. Instantly a scene of great excitement prevailed. Women screamed and rushed frantically into each others' arms; some fell over their grips; several climbed upon trunks; all of them evinced a terror that must have had its origin in the movements of the escaping rat, not the pursuing pup. And the course of both animals could be marked by a zigzag line of violent commotion in the crowd. Presently a woman shrieked and seemed to sit down upon a moving object only to slip to the floor. Algy appeared then with the rat...