Trains: Safe and Sound
Julie Chatton
(Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLC, Oct. 7, 2008)
Trains Safe and Sound is a superbly informative book for children. In this age of rush, rush and our intricate transit system, author Julie Chatton has written a book that teaches children valuable safety tips regarding the transport system that moves our country and its people daily throughout the world. Chatton not only teaches children the importance of safety, but writes in such a way that piques a child’s curiosity. From her personal experience, she knows the devastation of accidents that have occurred because children and pedestrians have not applied common sense rules to ensure safety. Her goal is an important one: introduce children (many who are latch-key kids) to be aware and always conscious of the possible danger while understanding the need for our railroad transport and commuter systems. Chatton manages to instill knowledge as a teaching tool as opposed to fear. The result is an important and educational book that adults will enjoy reading to their children. Julie Chatton is a professional business person owning several successful businesses, including a thriving daycare business. She has worked with children for years and is a strong advocate of promoting safety and awareness to children and their surroundings. She currently works as Special Projects Manager for a logistics corporation. She lives near her childhood home in Illinois. Her plans are to write a series of children’s books focused on attention to safety. Trains Safe and Sound is her first book. Publisher’s website: