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Books with title Poe's Short Stories

  • Short Short Stories

    Baldwin Saer

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, )
  • ABC Short Stories

    Jules Lemaître, Sarah E Holroyd

    Paperback (Sleeping Cat Press, April 15, 2015)
    Full-color illustrated edition François Élie Jules Lemaître always loved children. His own beloved daughter, Madeleine, died when she was only a month old, and he never had any more children. But he had many godchildren, and he loved to tell them stories. The collection of short, alphabet-themed stories in this volume was born from this love of children and storytelling. This bilingual edition is designed to assist those learning French. The original French text appears on the right-hand pages of the book, with the corresponding English translation on the left-hand pages.
  • Short Stories

    O. Snow

    (Independently published, Nov. 18, 2018)
    O. Snow came to America when she was twenty-five. She sometimes cried, sometimes smiled, and was often touched by what she experienced. Twenty-seven years ago, she received "the unforgettable words," and she still remembers them. Through the years she met many unique people and learned a lot of new things. She wrote about each of her unforgettable moments. Now that she is seventy years old, those moments have become a book. O. Snow also published a youth biography of "Who Was Honda?" and a young adult fiction," A Dog Lover."
  • Short Stories

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    MP3 CD (IDB Productions, )
  • ABC Short Stories

    Jules Lemaître, Sarah E Holroyd

    Hardcover (Sleeping Cat Press, March 31, 2015)
    Full-color illustrated editionFrançois Élie Jules Lemaître always loved children. His own beloved daughter, Madeleine, died when she was only a month old, and he never had any more children. But he had many godchildren, and he loved to tell them stories. The collection of short, alphabet-themed stories in this volume was born from this love of children and storytelling. This bilingual edition is designed to assist those learning French. The original French text appears on the right-hand pages of the book, with the corresponding English translation on the left-hand pages.
  • Short Stories

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Taylor Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, )
  • Short Stories 2

    Nasser Abuhamda

    Paperback (Dog Ear Publishing, LLC, June 17, 2014)
    Short Stories 2 is a continuation of a book series and it takes the reader on some unusual adventures where everyone would always find many fun filled adventures.. It is also designed to take the reader into a situation in which he or she would read the stories and pick the answers but again, as in the first book, the obvious answer is not always the one You're looking for. About the Author The author of Short Stories 2, as in Short Stories 1, was inspired by many childhood memories of when he was growing up in Michigan. The author envisioned these stories to take people on the adventures as he had experienced them.

    b b

    language (B.B., June 1, 2013)
    Hello readers,These scary short stories are a blend or reality and imagination. You will like the originality and the flow. These stories are for both adults and children.Please do write reviews, once you read them.Cheers!
  • Boys: short stories

    Anton Chekhov, Vasiliy Alantyev, Constance Garnett

    language (Bumpa Publishing, Aug. 23, 2011)
    Anton Chekhov was a famous Russian playwright, also considered to be one of the greatest short-story writers in the history of world literature. His three short stories in this book have boys as the leading characters.Boys.Two Russian boys, inspired by Mayne Reid's adventure novels, set out on a journey to California.The Runaway.Seven year old boy admitted to a provincial hospital try to adjust himself to an eerie but interesting surrounding.Whitebrow.A hungry and nervous she-wolf sneaks into the keeper's hut to steal a lamb but takes a cub of a keeper's dog by mistake.
  • Five Short Stories

    Thomas Jerome Baker

    language (, Dec. 4, 2013)
    Are you loking for a wonderful Christmas gift? This Christmas, give the gift that keeps on giving...This collection of magical short stories will delight readers of all ages with the joy of reading. Five short stories await your reading Top 500 Reviewer Dennis Waller: "An Interesting Perspective to a Historical Tale" a review of: Boudicca: Warrior Queen"This Love Story Has It All" a review of: Looking for Catarina"Mystical, Magical, Enchanting Journey" a review of: StoryTellers1. "What you are depends on the stories you read." Five must-read stories are told: Journey of a Hero, True Love, Impossible Love, A Woman at War & lastly, Peace. Who is a hero/heroine? Answer: Anyone who does something requiring courage, bravery, disregarding one's own personal safety. Could someone be a hero/heroine without even being aware of their actions? Yet the journey, a quest if you will, for riches, wealth, and power, will be undertaken. True Love is a love that conquers all obstacles to be together, and in this second story, there will be a seemingly unconquerable obstacle. Our hero will risk everything for the woman he loves...Impossible Love, we know this story well, for have we all not loved? Under circumstances when it would have been the wiser course of action not to have loved? Impossible Love is not bound by the dictates of reason and logic... In the fourth story, when love does not live anymore, then it must be WAR, and there is no war more terrifying, than when it is a wronged Woman At War.In the final story, we seek PEACE, and a seemingly innocent hero, unaware of anything except the present moment, must make a choice. Will it be the right choice? Read this book to find out the surprising answer...Why Read A Short Story?"[The short story creates] a vivid realization for the reader of that which moved the author to write, be it incident, be it emotion, be it situation.... thus the art of the short story becomes as much an art of tone as of incident." ~ H. S. Canby"The first necessity for the short necessariness. The story, that is to say, must spring from an impression or perception pressing enough, acute enough to have made the writer write.” ~ Elizabeth Bowen"The short-story writer knows that he can't proceed cumulatively, that time is not his ally. His only solution is to work vertically, heading up or down in literary space." ~ Julio Cortazar"The real challenge is to pull as much of life as a story can bear into the fewest possible pages: to produce, if possible, that hallucinatory point in which time past and time future seems to co-exist with time present, that hallucinatory point which to me defines the good or great short story..." ~ Maurice Shadbolt"The essence of the short story is to isolate, to portray the individual person, or moment, or scene in isolation...detached from the great once social and historical.... the short story is a natural form for the presentation of a moment whose intensity makes it seem outside the ordinary stream of time, or the significance is outside the ordinary range of experience." ~ Wendell Harris"I see today a new art of narration, a novel literature and category of belles-lettres, dawning upon the world. And this new art and literature--for the sake of the individual characters in the story, and in order to keep close to them and not be afraid--will be ready to sacrifice story itself.... The literature of individuals is a noble art, a great earnest and ambitious human product. But it is a human product. The divine art is the story. In the beginning was the story.... Within our whole universe the story only has authority to answer the cry of heart of its characters, that one cry of heart of each of them: 'Who am I?'" ~ Isak Dinesen
  • Short Stories

    Langston Hughes, Donna Sullivan Harper, Akiba Sullivan Harper, Arnold Rampersad

    Library Binding
  • Vinita's Short Stories

    Vinita Singh

    language (Vinita Singh, May 12, 2019)
    Let’s Go to the Writing Land is a book about Anamalia,Anamalia is a student at the writing land who is not focused. She is very intelligent and has gifts in writing. She is accepted to the Writing Land – and not many people are able to be accepted in Writing Land? The school teaches you, how to be a great writer. There are also lessons on how to get published and become famous.