The Haunted Aquarium Castle
Robert Scott McKinnon, Tom Quinn
(Independently published, Dec. 3, 2016)
Years ago, the oldFreshwater and Marine Aquariummagazine announced the future publication of a novel: The Haunted Aquarium Castle. The magazine broke barriers with WadeRivers/Robert McKinnon short stories (not articles, fiction) on the subject oftropical fish; publishing a novel was way over the top. Thy top runnith over.Two retired schoolteachers, Mini Ann Harper and Jane Mary Emerson, a couple of "Arsenic and OldLace" types, have for years been attending to a monster state of the artaquarium. The riveting centerpiece is a gigantic, mixed bag castle, a gift fromMini Ann's brother, long lost years ago in Germany. At the local pet store onHalloween eve Mini Ann runs into a couple of scary strangers inquiring into thestatus of the castle. It isn't long before the castle starts acting up, and itisn't long before Mini Ann and Jane Mary are convinced the thing is haunted.But by what?Good question.Professor Service,a professor from the University, is called in, and he takes an interest in theweird aquarium inhabitant and determines to "get to the bottom" of it all. Mr.Proteus, owner of the local pet store, swears he never saw anything like itbefore, and it certainly did not come from his establishment.In the meantime,month-by-month, the anthropomorphic sights and sounds in the aquarium aregetting raucous, and all the lights and sounds aren't coming from the constantparade of gorgeous fishes swimming back and forth through creative, showy plantarrangements.In addition to theobviously goofy aquarium castle, the sporadic visits of the two weirdostrangers don't do much for peace of mind with Mini Ann and Jane Mary, who onat least two occasions, "from stress," end up in the hospital, renewing oldacquaintances with the two ambulance drivers they had in class in grade school."Is our aquariumcastle haunted?""I rather thinkso."In addition to theoverall mystery of the story, each chapter contains a mystery fish to keepreaders guessing, month after month. Some are easy. Some are tougher. And, forthe more entrenched freshwater fish hobbyists, there are a couple of zingers,which will send readers splashing for their reference books.Nancy Waddell, aretired editor from J.B. Lippencott and Silver Burdett read and helped edit The Haunted Aquarium Castle. She hadthis to say about the story: "Bob McKinnon's The Haunted Aquarium Castleis a delightful read with a bit of mystery and a passel of eccentricity. Hisfinely-drawn characters are real-life all the way; in fact, I swear one of themlives down the street from me. Once again, McKinnon weaves his own expertiseinto a very entertaining and captivating tale."Think you're good?Think you're an Afishiando? Let's see you name all thirteen mystery fish plusthe bonus fish. The answers follow the story, no fudging!!!!!